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[[newspaper clipping]]
[[image - cartoon of two men watching a musical show]]
[[text within cartoon, header along top border]] 'NEWS ITEM: TROUP TOURS RUSSIA W[[text worn away]] BESS'[[/text within cartoon, header along top border]]
[[speech bubble of one man speaking to the other]] WE COULD U[[S????]] FOR A THEME SONG! [[/speech bubble]]
[[text, with musical notes, above performers on stage]]OH, IT AIN'T NECESSARILY SO!!![[/text, with musical notes, above performers on stage]]
[[printed program next to seated man]] Porgy and Bess at the Bolshoy Theater Moscow [[/printed program]]
[[label on back of man's chair]] COMMISSAR OF PROPAGANDA[[/label on back of chair]]
[[note]] 1956 [[/note]]
[[/newspaper clipping]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
Summer time, But the Livin' Isn't [[unreadable]]
[[image - cartoon of two men swimming with three sharks; shark fins are labeled "Scandals", "Racial Riots", and "Social Unrest"]]
[[/newspaper clipping]]

[[image - black & white photograph of Joy McLean playing solitaire]]

[[note]] On stage waiting for the curtain [[/note]] 

[[image - black & white photograph of group of people in front of a church]]
[[note]] Lima, Peru [[/note]]

[[image - black & white photograph of group of people surrounding musician playing vibes]]
[[note]] With Hamp in Israel [[/note]]

Transcription Notes:
This project has been reopened for a thorough review. Please take time to review each element of the page carefully before submitting. Best practice is to include a double return between each individual clipping and to use double brackets to indicate the type ( [[newspaper clipping]], [[postcard]], [[plane ticket]], etc.) See "About the Project" for more information.