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[[underlined]] Florence, [[/underlined]] S.C.

A wreck on track, got 2 pines
A few Junipers in yard at Florence-
A Vaccinium in blossom
Violets - white
Iris - 
Pinus palustris ?  [[9?]]
" [[Ditto for: Pinus]] mitis ? about equil
Colored wimmen
plowing with one horse & spreading manure from thin aprons -
A donkey plowing with an ox.
Cypress ? in swamps.
Past north of
[[underlined]] Lanes [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Charleston [[/underlined]], did not see much of the town.
Phosphate beds & works

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

A little palm like plant in marsh 5 miles S. of Charleston
Live Oaks begin 3 mi. S. of Charleston.
Turtle in pool at 
[[underlined]] Salkehatchie [[/underlined]] 

Geomys hills com between Savannah River & [[underlined]] Savannah [[/underlined]]