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Mer Rouge, La.

[[underlined]] June 2. [[/underlined]]

Geomys 16 hills in line of 6 rods, nearly straight.
Average sized [[kind?]] 24 in by 15 and 5 in. high in middle.
22 feet between two hills in another line. 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Mer Rouge. La.
[[underlined]] June 2 [[/underlined]] 
Mimus pollyglottis, abn.
Cat bird, com.
Hryotharus ludovicianus, com.
Cardinalis card. - com.
Icter[[strikethrough]] i [[/strikethrough]]us spurius, com. 1 nest.
Zenaidura macroura, a few.
Progne subis, com. 
Passer domesticus, com in town
Passerina ciris, 1 [[male symbol]]
Quiscalus  com, nest
Melinarpes erythrocephalus  2
Tyrannus tyrannus, com.
Trochilus colubris, 1 at Rayville May 21. and one at Mer Rouge. 
Cathartes aura, com.
Syrnium nubulosum 1
Driobates v. auduboni, 1 seen.
Aegilitis vocifera, com.
Contopus virens, com.