Viewing page 20 of 33

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[[underlined]] Paris. Tex. June 12. [[/underlined]] 
Zenaidura macroura, com.
Calinus virginanus, com.
Tyrannus tyrannus, com.
Scissortail, 3. nest & 4 eggs 
Dicksissil abn.
Mimus pollyglottis, abn.
Spizella 1
Progne subis, com.

[[underlined]] June 13 [[/underlined]]
Progne subis, 1000 on wires & buildings around plaza in center of town.
[[underlined]] June 14 [[/underlined]]
Milvulus forficatus 2 killed.
Chondestes 1 killed, breeding.
Sturnella, com, not taken 
song of magna (?)

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Paris, Tex. [[/underlined]]

Quercus nigra
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] obtusaloba
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] phellos, in yds.
" [[Ditto for: Quercus]] hybrida, " " [[Dittos for: in yds.]]
Magnolia grandif., " " [[Dittos for: in yds.]]
Platanus occidentalis " " [[Dittos for: in yds.]]
Osage orange abn.
Populus angustata, com.
Opuntia vul.? saved
Mammaliary " [[Ditto for: saved]]
Sedum  saved
Pantago " [[Ditto for: saved]]
Stipa spartea [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] 
Delphinium (tall)
Pentstemon ?
Schrankia uncinata.
" [[Ditto for: Schrankia]] (yellow) ?
Rudbekia ? abn. 
Grasses of the prairie.
Ulmus alata.