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Country: Sweden



Territory: Jämtland

Transcription Notes:
Botrychium virginicum [[Lw.?]] Hab. in graminosis circa Stugun [[Jemtlamr'd?]] [[translation: habitat in grassland near Stugun [[Jemtland?]] ]] rarissime [[translation: extremely rare]] The town of Stugun is in the eastern half of J?tland (or historically sometimes spelled Jemtland) county of Sweden, whose borders existed in their current form in the 19th century, when Ahlberg was collecting. Though it's not entirely clear that the word that seems to be "Jemtlamr'd" in the locality description is actually "Jemtland", the similarity and the existence of Stugun make me believe this was the place this specimen was collected. -@mnathan Batryehium virginieum GLw Hab. ni graminosis cireau Stugua Jemtlamrie rmissriue Laura T - Specimen label reads Plantae Scandinavicae. Stugua - in southern Norway.