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Country: France



Territory: Marseilleveyre

Transcription Notes:
Pteridophyta Exsiccata Exs: Walter-Call?(this character is an e with a French accent aigu - unfortunately, the editor doesn't allow for French accents) 5me fascicule 1950 N. H36 Equisetum ramosissimum Desf 1800 Fl. atlant. 398. syn. Litt. Exs No. 175 Iterid. Exs: 175, 297, 355, 434. Ssp. campanulatum Poir 1804. Enc. meth v. 613 R?ion m?iteran?nne. Bouches du Rh?e. Taillis ?Marseille-Veyre. 10 Octobre 1949. leg. C. Guinet