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MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1865. The morning clouds & prospects for Rain favorable Nothing transpiring around the Hospital worthy of Note the Day was quite cold though we had no rain in the evening troops came in from the Head the evening spent in the town till a late hour quite lively By the soldiers + citizens by the loud cheering heard [[end page]] [[start page]] TUESDAY , JANUARY 17, 1865. The morning cold & clear & the fire in Doors quite agreeable a large Detail went from the Hospitals to their respective Regiments, went down stairs for the first time since I was brought into the Hosptl Decbr 2d /64 2. p.m. orders to prepare for Inspection by the Surgeon in Charge- the Nurses in a great flurry fixing up but the Surg did not come as was expected a major Doctor came about 5 P M. - entern [[entered?]] the names of the men who were to be sent North & put down my Name with the rest