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The Pueblo collection made in 1879 under the same authority as above, was removed from the armory last winter, to the National Museum, where after being marked, has been again removed to cases assigned to it on the East side of the building. These removals and the washing, has resulted in effacing to some extent the marks or labels originally stamped upon these articles. To give uniformity to the whole it is desirable to have the labels renewed – an order upon the subject is requested.
Preparatory steps have been taken to arrange the collection made in Brazil by Prof Brigham, looking to a division of it into two parts, one of which is to be retained by the Natl. Museum. It consists for the most part of four or five very large burial(?) urns or vases, only one of which is entire, and some eight or ten of smaller size, six of which are nearly entire. The remainder consists of piles of fragments and until they are fitted together and glued up, no conjecture can be formed of their number or value. William Palmer has promised to assist in these restorations as some of the work he has in hand will permit.

Respectfully Submitted
E Foreman
August 1, 1881