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National Museum
Septr 30 1881

Prof G Brown Goode

Sir     During this month, the operations in the Ethnological Section of the National Museum have been limited by various works going on in the interior of the building and by events transpiring outside which need not here be specified.
The transference of the Pueblo pottery collection of 1880 was safely effected, after it had been properly cleansed of its Coat of white dust, and arranged in two cases prepared to receive it. With one exception all the larger pieces were accommodated. The Stone implements of this collection, are so arranged in trays or other receptacles that such of them as are suitable can be placed on exhibition without delay.
The miscellaneous collections of 1879 consisting of dance ornaments, hunting implements, weaving utensils &c have been cleaned, and in classes placed in drawers, as you suggested to protect them from further deposits of dust, and such of the articles as are intended for Exhibition set apart from the others ready for a final disposition of them in due time.

To provide the means of labelling specimens further