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National Museum
Decr 31, 1881
Prof. S.F. Baird
Director &c,
  At the commencement of this month the recording of Mr E W Nelson's Alaska Collections was in progress, but was suspended for the purpose of disposing of those made by Dr Edw. Palmer in N Carolina Tennessee and Arkansas, making about three hundred and fifty entries exclusive of the Osteological specimens. This work was finished within the month and some smaller incidental collections were also disposed of – these were articles sent by Mr J J McLean US. Signal officer at Sitka, a few objects from Mr J G Swan of Port Townsend W.T. Some Fragments of Pottery from Arizona collected by A W Chase, and a Cossack or Seal Skin Coat from Nain a Moravian Missionary station in Labrador, collected by Lieut Very USN, in the service of the US Coast Survey.
The number of entries in the books of the Ethnological section for 1881 as will be seen by the enclosed slip, was 4002. 
   Respectfully &c
      E Foreman 

Transcription Notes:
People and place names checked/verified. &c is correct (old form of etc.)