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Tate Yama Japan.   P.L. Jouy.
Snow Creepers,   1 pr.
Powder Flask   1
Straw Shoes   1 pr.
Hunters' Knives   2
Leggings   1 pr.
Shoes and glove made of Antelope Skin,   2

Yokohama,    P.L. Jouy.
Baskets,   2

Omatchi,   P.L. Jouy.
Shrine Offerings   4

Nikko,   P.L. Jouy
Shoes   2 prs.
Antelope Skin Coat,   1
Shrine offerings   3
Shoes and stockings.   pr. of ea.
Pieces of Pottery.   11.

Kurile Islands.  A.J.M. Smith.
Puffin Skin Coat.   1

Bengal, India.   Interl. Fish Ex.
Pipe.   1

Ninevah,   O.T. Mason.
Deluge Tablet.   1