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1 copy J.

[[underlined]] Kiupper [[/underlined]]

Ann rep 1884 Mason, and abstract
Abstract for [[underlined]] 1884 [[/underlined]] rep (rep. not yet written in full 4.28 '85.)

[[typed]] One cop. E.H.S. 4-28-85. [[/typed]]

Department of Ethnology.

The Curator took charge of this Department on the first of July and [[strikethrough]] pro [[/strikethrough]] spent the remainder of the year chiefly in getting control of his material. All of the ethnological specimens of the museum are now under complete [[strikethrough]] control, bec [[/strikethrough]] management, a part of them being on exhibition, the remainder classified and stored in drawers [[strikethrough]] classified [[/strikethrough]] for ready reference. During the [[strikethrough]] ^[[last]] [[/strikethrough]] year, 3658 specimens belonging to primitive races have been received. In addition to these the department has been entrusted with many objects registered in other catalogues and deposited here for the sake of completing evolutionary series of implements, processes, and art products. The most noteworthy [[strikethrough]] collections [[/strikethrough]] accessions in 1884 were as follows:- ^[[Illustrations of]] Eskimo and Indian Life from [[strikethrough]] art objects, [[strikethrough]] Ungava Bay and vicinity. By Lucien Turner, who will prepare a monograph upon the specimens. [[strikethrough]] Eskimo [[/strikethrough]] Illustrations of Eskimo life at Pt. Barrow, collected by Lieut. Ray, U.S.A., Mr. John Murdock will describe these. Rich collections from the Eskimo of western and southern Alaska, by E. W. Nelson, W. J. Fisher, Charles L. McKay, Baron Nordenskjöld.

Specimens of the arts of the arts of the tribes of N. W. America, collected by J. G. Swan, ^[[and Lieut]] T. Dix Bolles,

Many objects illustrative of the modern Indians of Yucatan, by Louis ^[[H.]] Aymé.

A very large and instructive collection of objects from the Peruvian huacas. by Geo. W. Keifer, and Dr. Wm. H. Jones, U.S.N.

Transcription Notes:
Proper names and places checked/verified (but misspellings preserved, i.e. his name is really Murdoch, not Murdock.)