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Mr. Sweeny and I getting out material and helping all we could.
During the month collections have been entered from,

New Guinea,             174  entries. A.P. Goodwin through J. S. Spalding
Catlin Collection        13     " [[ditto for: entries]]
Q.M. General              6. Models of Army tents.
J. Loomis Gould.         23. Haidah Mission, Jackson, Alaska.
J.G. Swan.                2  Bows, quiver, & arrows.
D.J. Benner.              1. [[strikethrough]] grass [[/strikethrough]] Palm leaf coat, United States of Colombia.
Lt. P.H. Ray              9. Eskimo of Pt. Barrow
Centennial Exhibition.   20. [[strikethrough]] shoes, [[/strikethrough]] hammers, scoops, sickles.
      " [[ditto for: Centennial Exhibition]]              20  pairs of shoes from [[Buffum?]] -
Ethnological Bureau.     21. Zuni fetishes.

I have sought in every possible way to give organization and system to the department, so that in the future our work of administration and exchange may be more thoroughly done.                                   I am very respectfully yours,
Professor S. F.Baird.
     Director National Museum, Washington, DC.