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GBG  Curators Reports file
[[stamped]] g39915 [[/stamped]]
[[preprinted letterhead]] United States National Museum
Under direction of
The Smithsonian Institution
Washington [[/preprinted letterhead]]
[[stamped]] G Brown Goode [[/stamped]]
                         Dec. 2. 
Dear Professor Baird,
I send you herewith my report of the Dept. of Ethnology for November. 1884.
The New Orleans Exposition absorbed the energies of my corps during the first part of the month, indeed it was not until the 22d that the last box was packed.
Miss Latham has been engaged in copying and classifying Mr. Goode's museum classification lists on cards so that we could shuffle them and perfect the system of arrangement.
We have received  and opened the following packages:--
Zuni and Moqui fetishes from Stevenson and Cushing-- 110

Transcription Notes:
Zuni and Moqui and Stevenson and Cushing are correct