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Another on Birch July 27, Hd 3.3 mm
Band in head purplefish.

[[sideways insertion covering text underneath, in pen]] [[cunae?]] cases [[prominent?]]. Cremaster two parallel spines barbed at the end with two little spurs pointing the [[strikethrough]] lower [[/strikethrough]] ant one inward, the [[strikethrough]] outer [[/strikethrough]] post outward (and the spine twisted a little near the end) A curved row of 6 subcubical elevations at post. edge of thorax. L 19 mm W 5 mm Color shiny mahogany red, darker on cases. [[/insertion]]

line white, s-d yellow. Many lateral dark purple brown round ^[[small]] dots. No stig. line) [[underlined]] Molt July 16 [[/underline]] As above but dorsal marks [[barely?]] more distinct than in last stage. Their course can be indistinctly traced however [[?]] than 3, less than 3.5 mm (As stage advances white shades appear in space enclosed by [[anterior?]] supplementing dorsal lines and below the s-d partly white. Lateral region [[?]] near with a general faint white shading.) Same but post. [[?]] faintly. A pink spot in s-d band on j7, bands of head [[?]] black, [[?]] by white from broad [[purple band?]] post. edged white. A slight oblique brown spot on j4 in sub-ventral space. [[underline]] Entered ground July 27 [[/underline]] [[underline]] Pupa cylindrical [[/underline]] of usual shape. Body [[?]], cases [[creased?]] out. [[checkmark]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underline]] Hd. by calc [[/underline]] .4 .7 1.1 1.7 2.7
We have .4 1 1.3;1.1 1.7 2.7

[[insertion, in pen]] Copied in common larva [[notes?]] [[/insertion]]

9/7/90 204 [[underline]] A. concinna [[/underline]]
On apply July 13, 1890, Hd black shiny W. .4 mm Body shiny brownish ochre with cervical spot & 4 rows of small [[?]] spots black, lower rows minute Thoracic feed black, [[checkmark]] anal feet elevated [[underline]] Molt July 14 [[/underline]] Hd shiny black, a small black tubercle at apex of each lobe W. 1 mm ^[[full]] A few short hairs. Body brownish olive, with rows of conical shiny black, piliferous tubercles those on 5 & 12 dorsal longest. 5 rows [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] [[Wart?]] d, line, [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] s-d. [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] ^[[super]] stig [[strikethrough]] [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] & [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] subventral [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] sub s [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] & [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] s-v]] c-spot & anal plates black. Anal feet up [[underline]] Molt July 20 [[/underline]] [[overwitten]] 3 [[/overwritten]] Hd as before, a number of black hairs W. 1.3 mm ^[[(1.5-, 1 1/4+)]] Body yellow brown, a s-d & lateral line whitish edged with red brown, distinct only centrally. Tubercles [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] on 4-6 ^[[8 12]] long [[image - acute angle]] large [[?]] larger than before, each with a hair. C-spot & anal plates black tubercles, thoracic [[checkmark]] feet black