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[[red stamp]] Harris [[/red stamp]]

125 & 92
2 West
I Lenson

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Egg? on ash July 15, 1890. Circular, flat, disk-like, the lateral edge sharp, elevated somewhat from leaf by base rounding a little [[while?]] nearly flat, rounded a little with a central low dome
Colour grayish white, the dome darker with a central greenish spot and ring around it. [[Drawn.?]]
egg? 1.6 mm, of dome 1.3 mm (it looks like Saturn in projection [[insertion]] ^ from above [[/insertion]]

[[Apatelodesi?]] sp? perhaps [[underlined]] angelicia [[/underlined]] (see Parkard on A. torrefacta)

Transcription Notes:
Checked A. torrefacta see -@siobhanleachman