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anal plate; pile short, whitish [[image - triangle]] darker faint dorsal shade line Body shaped as in Eudamus [[underline]] Another [[/underline]] Hd 2.8 mm Dark brown instead of black. Otherwise the same. [[underline]] Another [[/underline]] Hd 2.9, [[underline]] Another [[/underline]] 2.8 both black [[underline]] 2.8 Molt Aug 4 [[/underline]] Hd large ^[[round]] bilobed, the lobes large & rounded, gently bulging in front [[?]] granulated minutely and minutely pilose though not so as to at all obscure surface. Rich dark brown [[arrow]] ^[[becoming darker nearly black]] mouth & eyes smooth & black. W 4.2 mm ^[[(4+ [[?]])]] Body narrow at j2, dorsum [[?]] & [[?]] in the middle of shape of Eudamus Subgranular or minutely tuberculated & pilose, J2 crimson [[?]] black post 3/4 [[arrow to earlier insertion, "becoming darker nearly black"]] with the [[?]] of tho. feet. Rest of body very pale green with very small yellow [[?]] & black [[?]] becoming faint [[subventer?]] a faint blackish dorsal line & broader yellow s-d, not reaching extremities. Spiracles pinkish, as is anal plate. As stage advances, the back becomes tinged with coppery red around [[?]] the granulations and in s-d line & on sub-stig. fold giving the larva a coppery appearance Sept 30 left them at Linwood Hill to die)

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Sphinx of birch Ulster Co July 30, 1890 Hd triangular, the vertex produced with the long processes close together pointing forward a little, several tubercles sparsely situated, the [[vertical?]] process subspinose; green [[pale?]] in front with a paler vertical stripe on [[image - acute angle]] bet. front & sides Mouth white eyes in a brown ring, jaws yellow W 2.9 mm [[underline]] Molt before described [[/underline]] Hd [[image - triangle]] the apex pointed but lacking the process bright green, the sparse granulation white & whitish vertical [[?]] on [[image - acute angle]] 5 Mouth pale, vertex tipped with brown W 4 mm Body coarsely ^[[& evenly]] granulated like little white beads in 8 rows per seg as by annulets, certain of them larger giving the ap-

Transcription Notes:
Pages shown are identical to those pictured in image 21 of this series. I've made sure the transcriptions match. -@mnathan