Viewing page 124 of 135

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[[blue strikethrough across top portion of page]]
[[insertion]] * in some exs. almost completely replacing the black d band except for 2 rounded black spots, which are the central [[projections?]] of the [[band?]] [[/insertion]]
263 (Stage before [[hd?]] 2.3 2.3, 2.2 Same)
Clisiocampa on deciduous oak Yosemite Cal, May 22 '91 Head powdery blue with [[insertion]] Cp Aug 30 '92 [[/insertion]] black mottlings. Mouth black, lower part of clypeus white. Antennae white ringed W 3 mm. Body black, densely covered with powdery blue over the whole lateral region having only a few black mottlings & a quadrate black spot on each seg. [[insertion]] [[underline]] Imago July 2 [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] Centrally laterally bordered below by an orange dash. Below the spiracles the blue becomes nearly white and ant. tufts of silky white hair grow from the skin. [[Traces?]] of a s-v orange shade Dorsum rather broadly black, with irregular outline, retracted between & in the middle of each seg, & containing a double narrow irregular orange line which is heavier at the posterior part of each segment † and considerable conspicuous orange tinted hair. Other hair longer, blackish. Joints 2 & 13 unornamented Feet tipped with orange. [[underline]] One began to Coon [[/underline]] June 1
[[underline]] C. constricta [[/underline]] (See Pack. Forest Ins. 121)

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

263 Coon composed of silk, thin but made opaque by a yellowish powdery substance [[underline]] Pupa [[/underline]] cylindrical rounded ant, abd. segs centrally suddenly much decreased in diam., last seg. rounded. Cremaster none Pilose, covered by powdery substance L 18 W 6 mm
[[in blue]] Copied for [[Proj Smith?]] Dec 13 1892 [[/in blue]]
Noctuid on Manzanita [[insertion]] Arctostaphylos pungens [[/insertion]] Yosemite May [[22?]] '91 Hd. concolorous with the body. Mouth parts & antennae paler; clypeus higher than wide ocelli black; W. 1.3 [[insertion]] [Sh hd 1.5] [[/insertion]] Body in general appearance exactly the color of the pale side of manzanita leaves, under the glass [[?]] green thickly mottled with little confluent greenish white spots which segregate to form a very obscure d & s-d line and a tolerably distinct stig line which becomes broader & very evident on 11-13, yellowish bordered above by a reddish shade & passing onto the anal feet. Spiracles small pale, black ringed. Many minute black piliferous spots, on the central segss [[disposed?]] in "4 trapezoidal" [[insertion]] [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] dorsal, super stig [[insertion]] [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] stig [[insertion]] [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] (post) and anterior [[insertion]] [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] & post. [[insertion]] [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] s-v [[?]] very minute ones below [[circled]] 7 [[/circled]] on the

Transcription Notes:
These pages are also shown in image 123, but in that image the right page is partly obscured by a loose sheet. I've made sure both transcriptions match. -@mnathan