Viewing page 32 of 60

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Whitewater [[/underlined]]

Accipiter cooperi  17 on fence
Buteo calures  2 " [[Ditto for: on fence]]
Barn owl  2 " [[Ditto for: on fence]]
Sparrow hawk 2 " [[Ditto for: on fence]]
Night heron  2 " [[Ditto for: on fence]]
Ardea herodias  1 dead.
Corvus sinuatus  1 " [[Ditto for: dead]]
Zenaidura [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] com
Spiotyto  com
Hirundo  a few
Corvus sinuatus  3 or 4
Sturnella  com
Geococcyx  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Pipilo senicula  a few
[[Heliodites?]]  com
Dryobates s bairdi 2
Sayornis nigricans a few
Toxostoma [[strikethrough]] redivivium [[/strikethrough]] crissalis
[[underlined]] Morungo V. [[/underlined]]
Bubo  heard
Xanthocephalus 1
Lophortyx gambeli  abn
Nictocoryx  com
Querqudula  2
Dryobates s. bairdi  1
Heleodytes  com
Zenaidura  com
Amphispiza b. nevadensis  a few
Hirundo  a few at Warrens

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Plant Calatogue 1907 [[/underlined]]
Santa Ana Mts. Coldwater canyon
1188. Ribes amarum (C)  fuzzy

1189. Arctostophylos

1170. Ceanothus 
[[underlined]] Temescal [[/underlined]], July 25
1191. Opuntia bernardina

1192. Juniperus monosperma 

1193. Rhamnos crocea

1194. Rhamnos ilicifolia 

[[underlined]] Idylwild [[/underlined]] July 30
1195. Adenostoma sparsifolium

1196. Arctostophylos manzanita, Jelly 5000 - 5500

1197. " [[Ditto for: Arctostophylos]] p. drupaca ? glutinom  5000 - 6500

1198. " [[Ditto for: Arctostophylos]] "glabra" 4100

1199. " [[Ditto for: Arctostophylos]]  tomentosa  2500 - 5000

1200. " [[Ditto for: Arctostophylos]] patula? (SW 7700 - 9300 Aug 5

Transcription Notes:
First pass. Most species names and locations need double checking. -@siobhanleachman Checked species names with eol and checked locations. Left spellings as Bailey wrote them. Spiotyto = Speotyto Heliodites = ? Closest I could find was Heliolites, which is an extinct coral, so probably not! Morungo V. = Morongo Valley Nictocoryx = Nycticorax Querqudula = Querquedula Arctostophylos = Arctostaphylos Rhamnos = Rhamnus Idylwild = Idyllwild drupaca = drupacea -@caseyae