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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] San Jacinto Mts. [[/underlined]]
1201. Ribes prostratus nevadensis (C) 8000 - 8600
[[strikethrough]] 1202 [[/strikethrough]] 
1202. " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] cereum? cereum (C)  8000 - 10800
[[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]]
1203. " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] dissictus montigeum (C) 9000 - 9500

1204. Heuchera 10800

1205. Ceanothus cordulatus  - 9500

[[strikethrough]] 1206. [[/strikethrough]]

1206. Cereocarpus "pubescus"  8000

1207. " [[Ditto for: Cereocarpus]] ledfolius?  8826

1208. Ribes nevadensus  nevadensis (C). 4500 - 6000
Idylwild, Aug. 8
1209. Ceanothus integerrimus
1210 Ceanothus cuncatus, Aug. 13.
2000 - 5000 feet
[[underlined]] San Jacinto [[/underlined]] Aug. 14.
1211 [[strikethrough]] Baccharis [[/strikethrough]] Lepodospartum squamatum leafless 

1212. [[strikethrough]] Baccharis 'linaerafolius' [[/strikethrough]]  Ericameria pinnifolia 
1213. Hetterothera floribunda { big & upright

1214. Chrysopsis [[sensilifolia?]] { [[?]] [[spreading?]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1215. [[strikethrough]] "Heleonthoides" [[/strikethrough]] [[Enselaia?]]  shrubby sunflower

1216. Salt weed as at Saratoga spr.
1217. Spiny blue flowered weed

1218. Abronia

1219. Oenothera   pink

[[underlined]] San Bernardino Mts. [[/underlined]] Aug. 21-26
1220. Ribes cereum? (C)   9000ft

1221. Ribes [[strikethrough]] sanguineum [[/strikethrough]] nevadensis (C)  6000

1222. Ribes roezli (= amictum)  very spiny  6000

1223. Ribes [[strikethrough]] lacustremolle [[/strikethrough]] montigenum (C) (= lentum)  11480

[[underlined]] Top of Grayback [[/underlined]] 11480 feet
1224. Heuchera elegans
   5 Erriogonum kennedyi
   6. [[strikethrough]] Astragalus [[/strikethrough]] Oxytropis oreophila
   7. Draba corrugata
   8. [[strikethrough]] Sibaldia procumbens [[/strikethrough]] Potentilla wheeleri
   9. [[strikethrough]] Phlox [[/strikethrough]] Gilia pungens - a form of.
1230. [[strikethrough]] Saxifraga [[/strikethrough]] Androsac septentrionalis subulifera
   1 Antennaria [[strikethrough]] alpina [[/strikethrough]] media
   2 [[strikethrough]] Senicio [[facula?]] [[/strikehrough]] Erigeron compositis descoides [[image - drawing of part of plant]]
   3 Erigeron concinnus aphanactis
   4 Anctennaria media

Transcription Notes:
Checked species. Kept Vernon's spelling. Anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman