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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Cajon Pass [[/underlined]]
1268. Ceanothus crassifolia ? 1200 feet

1269. Rhamnos crocea  1200

1270. Rhamnos ilicifolia  2000
1  [[underlined]] San Bernardino [[/underlined]]
1271. Juglans californicus

[[underlined]] Redlands [[/underlined]]
1272. Tetradymia comosa

1273. Rhamnos crocea

1274. [[strikethrough]] Rhamnos [[/strikethrough]] Ceanothus tomentosus or var.

[[underlined]] Mohave Desert [[/underlined]], Warrens Wall
1275. Simmondsia [[strikethrough]] (not garrys) [[/strikethrough]]

1276. Arctostaphyla glauca 

1277. Prunus andersoni ? 

[[circled]] 1278. Opuntia [[strikethrough]] spinosa [[/strikethrough]] bigslovii
[[strikethrough]] Dry Moro [[/strikethrough]] Mission Creek [[/circled]
1279. Opuntia [[strikethrough]] Tesselata [[/strikethrough]] ramosissima 

1281. Opuntia echinocarpa

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Morongo Valley [[/underlined]]
1282. Baccaris serethrodes 

[[underlined]] Whitewater [[/underlined]]
1283. Cereus englemani

[[underlined]] San Jacinto Valley [[/underlined]] Sept. 19
1284. Opuntia bernardina

[[underlined]] Beaumont [[/underlined]] (4 mi. S.) " [[Ditto for: Sept. 19]]
1285 Arctostaphylos glauca

1286. Ceanothus crassifolius

[[underlined]] Mt Lowe. Sept. 25 [[/underlined]]

1887. Arctostaphylos tomentosa

1888. Garrya v. palmeri

1889. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus

1890. Erediction californica

[[underlined]] San Gabriel Canyon [[/underlined]] 2000 feet

1291. Garrya undulata?

[[underlined]] San Pedro [[/underlined]] 
1292. Isomeris globosa
1293. Rhus integrifolia
1294. Opuntia prolifera
1295. " [[Ditto for: Opuntia]] occedintalis, littoralis

Transcription Notes:
Checking species names as I transcribe via Keeping Vernon's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman Rhamnos = I think Vernon means Rhamnus Baccaris serethrodes = Baccharis sarothroides