Viewing page 36 of 60

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[[underlined]] San Diego [[/underlined]] Oct. 12
1296. [[strikethrough]] Leptospartum [[/strikethrough]] Baccaris sergiloides
1297. [[strikethrough]] Baccaris serethrodes? [[/strikethrough]] Baccharis sergiloides
1298. Chryso[[strikethrough]] thamnus [[/strikethrough]] brachylepis

1299. [[strikethrough]] Aplopappus [[/strikethrough]] Hymenoclea monogyra
1300. Adolphia
[[underlined]] Jamul [[/underlined]]
1301. Quercus dumosa? [[image - pen sketch of leaf]]

[[underlined]] Dulzura [[/underlined]]
1302. Quercus dumosa
[[underlined]] Cottonwood Cr. [[/underlined]]
1303. [[strikethrough]] Chrysothamas ? [[/strikethrough]]
Isocoma vernonioides
1304. Ephedra
1305.  oval leaf

1306. Ambrosia shrubby

1307. [[strikethrough]] Chrysothamos ilicifolia
Aplopappus (Razardia) squarrosa
[[underlined]] Potrero [[/underlined]]
1308. Cercocarpus
" [[Ditto for: 130]]9. Ceanothus crassifolius
1310. Ceanothus incanus?
" [[Ditto for:131]]1. " [[Ditto for: Ceanothus]] "patula"
2. Condalea

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1313. Arctostaphylos bicolor
" [[Ditto for:131]]4. " [[Ditto for: Arctostaphylos]] [[strikethrough]] tomentosa [[/strikethrough]] " [[Ditto for: bicolor]]
" [[Ditto for:131]]5. " [[Ditto for: Arctostaphylos]] tomentosa
6. " " [[Dittos for: Arctostaphylos tomentosa]]
[[underlined]] Campo [[/underlined]] 2600 feet
7. [[Garriyi?]] v. palmeri
8 Arctostophylos manzanita
9 " " [[Ditto for: Arctostophylos manzanita]]
1320. Ceanothus cuneatus
 1. Rhamnus tomentella
 2. [[Eredictios?]] glutinosa
 3. Cercocarpus parvifolia  - 3900
[[underlined]] Cuyamaca Mtn [[/underlined]] Oct. 15 & 16
1324. Arctostophylos
" [[Ditto for: 132]]5. Ceanothus  big green
" [[Ditto for: 132]]6, 7, 8, 9 " [[Ditto for: Ceanothus]]
1330. Ceanothus  tomentosus?
" [[Ditto for: 133]]1. " " [[Dittos for: Ceanothus  tomentosus?]]
 2. Arctostophylos p. drupace
 3. Cercocarpus parvifolius
 4. Symphorocarpus [[mollied?]]
[[strikethrough]] 5. " [[Ditto for: Symphorocarpus]] racinosa [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Cuyamaca to Juben [[/underlined]] Oct. 17
1335. Symphorocarpos racemosa
" [[Ditto for: 133]]6. Berberis
" [[Ditto for: 133]]7. Ceanothus "pubescens"
" [[Ditto for: 133]]8. " " [[Ditto for: Ceanothus]] foliolosus

[[underlined]] Mesa Grande [[/underlined]], Oct. 17
1339. Styrax
1340. Fremontodendron

Transcription Notes:
Checked species with eol. -@caseyae Baccaris = Baccharis Chrysothamos = Chrysothamnus Aplopappus squarrosa = Haplopappus squarrosus Arctostophylos = Arctostaphylos parvifolia = parvifolius drupace = drupacea Symphorocarpus = Symphoricarpos racemosa = racemosus foliolosus = foliosus