Viewing page 42 of 60

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Arroyo Seco [[/underlined]]
Pipilo senicula
Dendroica auduboni
Lophortis calif
[[strikethrough]] Quercus agrifolia [[/stikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] Platunus [[/strikethrough]]
Psatlria hesperophilus
Sayornis nigricans
Cyanocitta  1600 -
Polyoplila  2000 -
Pipilo megalonix
Contopus richardsoni,  1, 1500 - 
Empidonax  1 1000 -
Calypte anna  " [[Ditto for: 1000]] -
Dryobates nuttalli  1 at 3500
Cinclus  1 " [[Ditto for: at]] 1500
Oreortyx  com 4500 - top
Zonotrichia intermedia 3, 4000 -
Gicoccyx  [[Troctes?]] to 5500
Toxostoma  a few 1200 - 3500

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Sept 28 [[/underlined]] Colbys Camp 3500,
[[underlined]] La Junga C. [[/underlined]] 3200
Pinus coutleri  3200 - 6100
" [[Ditto for: Pinus]] ponderosa  1 tree at " [[Ditto for: 3200]] [[strikethrough]] - 8000 [[/strikethrough]]
Pseudotsuga macro -  " [[Ditto for: 3200]] - 5500
Artemisia tridentata  " [[Ditto for: 3200]] - 7000
Ceanothus cuneatus  " [[Ditto for: 3200]] - 5000
Quercus wislizeni  " [[Ditto for: 3200]] - 5500
Pinus ponderosa  5200 - 8000
" [[Ditto for: Pinus]] jeffreyi  " [[Ditto for: 5200]] - " [[Ditto for: 8000]]
[[Ditto for: Pinus]] lambertiana " [[Ditto for: 5200]] - " [[Ditto for: 8000]]
Libocedrus decurrens  5300 - 7700
Solidago californicus  " [[Ditto for: 5300]] - 7700
[[underlined]] Sept. 29, [[/underlined]] to [[underlined]] Buckhorn [[/underlined]]
Abies concolor  6000 - 8000
Acer [[strikethrough]] glabra [[/strikethrough]] macrophyllum  " [[Ditto for: 6000]] -
Cercocarpus ledifolius  " [[Ditto for: 6000]] - 7500
Heuchera  in cold gulch " [[Ditto for: 6000]]
[[Chruclanduis?]]  " [[Ditto for: 6000]]  6500
Arctostophylos verzanta? " [[Ditto for: 6000]]
" [[Ditto for: Arctostophylos]] patula 6300 - 7500
Ceanothus cardulatus " [[Ditto for: 6300]] - " [[Ditto for: 7500]]
Wyethia   6000 - 
Bigelovia  " [[Ditto for: 6000]]
" [[Ditto for: Bigelovia]] " [[Ditto for: 6000]]
Castenopsis   [[ne?]] 7000 - 7500
Pinus flexilis? " [[Ditto for: ne]] " [[Ditto for: 7000]] - 8000
Ribes sanguaneum  6000 - 7700
Lupinus   silvery 7000 - 8000
Sambucus  6000 - 7500
Holodiscus  - 7800
Rubus nutkanus  6500 - 6800

Transcription Notes:
Checked species with eol. Chameae = Chamaea Lophortis calif = Lophortyx californica Psatlria hesperophilus = psaltria hesperophila Polyoplila = Polioptila richardsoni = richardsonii Gicoccyx = Geococcyx coutleri = coulteri californicus = californica Arctostophylos = Arctostaphylos Castenopsis = possibly Castanopsis sanguaneum = sanguineum -@caseyae I think Pseudotsuga [[verero?]] is Pseudotsuga macro as in short for Pseudotsuga macrocarpa so have edited. -Siobhanleachman