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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Oct. 18 [[/underlined]] Mesa Granda
Lophortyx vallicola abu.
Colaptus cafer collaris com.
Melanerpes californicus
Colypte anna 1
Pipilo senicula com
Zonotrichia " [[Ditto for com]]
Pipilo megalonix heard
Aphelocoma com.
Carpodacus " [[Ditto for com]]
Helementhophila c. lutescens 3
Baelophus inornatus 2
Psaltriparus com.
Chamaea 1 top
Zenaidura 6 at water

[[underlined]] Oct 19 [[/underlined]] To Ramona

[[underlined]] Oct. 20. [[/underlined]] To Escondido & [[underlined]] San Pasqual Valley [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Oct. 21. [[/underlined]] To San Diego
Ceanothus [[vo?]]
[[underlined]] Oct. 23, [[/underlined]] To Los Angeles and Banning
Oct. 24. To Whitewater and back to Beaumont and Riverside
Oct. 25, to San Bernardino

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Oct 20 [[/underlined]] San Pasqual Valley
Opuntia occidentalis abn
Atriplex  not amascus
Helianthus annus
" [[Ditto for Helianthus]]   big
Baccharis viminea
Baccharis arithrodes ? a few
Hetterotheca floribinda
Ptiloria pleurocarpa
Teratole thistle
Trichostema tanceolata

[[underlined]] Oct. 27 Catalina Island [[/underlined]]
Rhus laurina  big & com
" [[Ditto for Rhus]] integrifolia   " [[Ditto for com]]
Hetteromeles   " [[Ditto for com]]
Lonicera subspicata  " [[Ditto for com]]
Rhus diversiloba , on rocks
Artemisia californica   com
Zauchneria californica   "  [[Ditto for com]]
Opuntia littoralis   "  [[Ditto for com]]
" [[Ditto for Opuntia]] occidentalis " [[Ditto for com]]

Transcription Notes:
Baccharis arithrodes might mean B. sarothroides. Chrysothamnos should be Chrysothamnus. Hetterotheca floribinda should be Heterotheca floribunda. Trichostema tanceolata might refer to T. lanceolatum. Zauchneria should be Zauschneria. Took Teratole and tanceolata out of brackets as I think they is correctly transcribed. Also agree with above statement re tanceolata. Who knows why Vernon would cross the l when he knowns how to spell the species?! -@siobhanleachman