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   |   | Berries and Mr E. Berries, teachers of freedmans schools.

February 11" | 17 Austin Wm. P.  E. B. p. 116 | Norfolk Va. Febry 28 1867. States that a colored woman, Leah Harris states that her son, Alfred Harris left her last June; that he is living with Maj. Gregory at High Hoe, Camden Co. N. C. and she wishes him returned to her with such compensation for his services as are just. 

February 26" | 18 Andrews, John L.   E. B. p. 134. | Roxabel Bertie Co. N. C. January 22" 67. States that he has two colored girls apprenticed to him by persons professing to be agents of the Bureau. Encloses letter of John M Foote Lt. and  Asst. Supt. directing that one of the girls bound without consent of her parents be released, which was done Also encloses another letter from Lt. Geo. S. Hawley Asst. Supt. of this Bureau at Murfreesboro N. C. deciding that these indentures were made by irresponsible parties, not agents of the Bureau and directing their annulment.

March 4" | 19 Ashley S.S. Supt. of Ed.   E. B. p. 140 | Wilmington N. C. Feb 23d 1867. Requests that provisions be made by the Bureau for the furnishing of animals, implements &c (named within, to the Bureau Orphan Asylum for the purposes of placing a portion of the grounds occupied by that institution, under cultivation

March 23" | 20 Ashley S. S. Agt. Am. Miss. Asso. E. B. p. 210. Enc. 267. Enc. 276. | Wilmington N. C. Mch. 13" 1867. Refers letter from Col. Rutherford and reports that there are many old childless and crippled freedpeople in the vicinity dependent upon the Government for their support. Suggests that they 

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    |   | be collected into one Asylum and thinks that it would be a saving to the Government

March 26'67* | 21 Ashley S.S. Agt. Am. Miss. Asso. | Wilmington N. C. Mch 21"1867. Asks for an appropriation of $400 to build buildings for orphans and destitute children of freedmen.

March 27" | 22 Avery Robt. Bt. Brig. Gen. E. B. p. 172. | Raleigh N.C. March 27" 1867. Makes report in the case of Henderson Cooper (freedman) now under sentence of death at Oxford Granville Co. N. C. having been convicted of rape. Recommends his sentence be commuted to a lesser punishment. 

March 30" | 23 Ashley S.S. Asst. Supt. of Ed. E. B. p. 177. | Wilmington N. C. March 22d 1867. Requests transportation from Hilton Head S. C. to Wilmington N. C. for Miss Caroline M. Keith and Miss Hannah L. Fitts teachers of freedman schools.

April 19" * [[checkmark]]| 24 Ashley S.S. A. Supt. of Ed. E. B. P. 130. E. B p 222. | Wilmington N.C. Mch 22d 1867. Requests an appropriation of $3117. to pay expenses incurred in refitting and repairing a building into a school hous for freedmen in Wilmington N. C. School has 516 pupils.

April 24" [[checkmark]]| 25 Avery Robert Maj. Gen. E. B. p. 210. | Raleigh N. C. April 13" 1867. Calls attention to the Charges and Specifications preferred by him against Horace James Late Capt. and A. Q. M. Vols. which were forward to Bvt. Maj. Gen. J. C. Robinson.

April 27" | 26 Ashley S.S. Asst. Supt. of Ed. | Wilmington N. C. April  25" 1867 Makes statement and requests that a salary of one hundred dollars per month be allowed him.
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Transcription Notes:
"Enc." 267 in March 23rd entry, 2nd column? -- Beth