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When Received| Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter 

April 30"1867 | 27 Ashley S. S. Agt &c EB. 217 | Wilmington, N.C. April 24" 1867. Petitions the Asst. Cmissr for an appropriation of $162.00 to pay for repairs on a Freedman's School building in Goldsboro.

[[checkmark]] April 30" 1867 | Avery Robt. Genl. A.I.E. Bureau &c. | Raleigh, N.C. April 13" 1867

May 6 1867 28 | Avery Robert, Bvt. Maj. Genl. Inspector E.B. p 225 | Raleigh, May 4 1867. Submits report of an investigation made by him of the circumstances attending the murder of Archibald Beebee, alias Warden, a freedman in the town of Fayetteville, NC on the 11th of February 1867 and the action taken by the civil authorities in the case.

May 13 1867 29 | Ashley S.S. Supt Ed. May 14: 67 Returned to Capt A. Rutherford granted @ $12 per month to be paid in A A Q M rolls | Wilmington N.C. May 11" 67 Requests that he be authorized to employ a man at the expense of the Bureau as a Teamster. forwarded by Col. Rutherford approved @ $15 per month.

May 22 30 | Avery Rufus (Colored) by B. Baldimore E.B. p 207. 245. | Morganton, N.C. May 15 67 States that as chairman of a committee of the colored citizens of his town he purchased a lot of land for a church site &c for the colored people.  That another colored man without authority has made agreement and partial payment for another and inferior lot, the matter has caused dissatisfaction.  Suggests that Maj Genl Howard appoint an Inspecting Committee named within, on whose decision he is willing to abide.

May 22" 31. | Avery Robert. Bvt. Maj. Genl Inspt B. R. F. and A. L. and J.A.G.C.M. E.B. p 238. | Raleigh NC, May 21" 67 Enclosed charges and specification, jointly and separately, &c, A. H. Folar, S. G. McRae, Mark Joliss and other unknown, for the murder of Archibald Beebee, alias Warden

When Received | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter 

1867 |     | at Fayetteville, N.C. in February 1867.

May 23 * 32. | Ashley S.S. Supt Ed. Sot. District May 23 '67. Returned to Res. G.A.C. [[guess]] Re Supt of Education. | Wilmington, May 21' 1867.  Requests that an appropriation of Fifteen Hundred dollars be made to erect a school House for freedmen, near Brewer Orphan Asylum at Middle Sound. Forwarded recommended Capt. Rutherford.

May 23 33. | Avery Robert, Bvt. Maj Gen. Inspector and Judge Advocate G.C.M. see L.B.p. | Raleigh May 22" 1867.  Makes statement of the information in his possession, relative to the charges preferred vs. Horace James late Capt & A.Q.M. Vols.

June 10" 34 | Avery Robt. Maj V.R.C. Bvt Maj. Gen. Vols. Insp. B.R.F. & A.L. N.C. June 1 '67- Reply forward as per instructions of May 25. 1867 to Mil Dist |  Raleigh N.C. June 4, 1867 Forwards charges and specifications preferred against Henderson Cooper col'd, for an alleged rape on Susan J. Daniels.

June 12" 35 | Alvord, J. W. Em. 264 Filed | Washington D.C. June 8" 67 Asks that Mr. Ashley be appointed Asst Supt of Schools to be located at Wilmington, if such is thought avisable.

June 17"  36 | Albertson J. W.  June 17" 67  Em. 258. | Hertford N. C. June 16" 67  States that Jeannette Jordan wishes her child returned to here, who is now bound out to John H. Packed of Yates Co. by the County Court.

June 28" * 37 | Avery Rob't Bvt Maj Gen. Filed | Raleigh N. C. June 19" 67 Makes report of the status of affairs in the Eastern Dist.

July 9" * 38 | Avery Robt. Bvt Maj. Gen. Filed | Raleigh, N. C. June 27" 67  Reports conditions of Southern Dist. in charge of Capt. Rutherford.

July 9" 39 | Ashley S. S. Asst. Supt Ed  July 9" 67 Trans approved. | Wilmington N. C. July 5" 67  Requests transportation for the follogine named Teachers, Abby B. Clark, Walden Mass, W. L. Clift, Plymouth Mas