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1867 Sept. 16th *  56 | Alston Thomas et al  Filed | Greensboro N.C. Sept 13th 67 Requests the retention of Dr. Swain as Actg Asst Surg of the Bureau

Sept. 24th  57 | Ashley S. S. Agent A.M.A. Sept. 24th 67 Ref'd to F. A. Fiske. Rec'd back Sept 26th 67 Retd to Capt. Rutherford Expend $125. for repairs | Wilmington N.C. Sept. 18th 67 Requests authority for Capt Rutherford to make repairs on Freedmens schools.

Sept. 26th  58 | Avery Lt Rob't Insp. B.R.F. & A.L. Sept 26th 67 Ref'd to Col. Moore.  E.M. 323 | Raleigh, N.C. Sept. 25th 67 States that Silvy Holmes and her infant child are dependent on Prof Hubbard Chapel Hill for their support and that her grandfather Peter Stevenson, living in New Berne, is able and willing to support her.

Sept. 26th *  59 | Allison Lt J. F. A.S.A.C. 
 Filed | Wilkesboro, N.C. Sept. 24th 67 Requests authority to purchase a desk and stand at a cost not to exceed $12.

Sept. 26th  60 | Ashley S. S. Agent A.M.A. Sept. 26th 67 Ret'd to Capt. Rutherford [[illegible]]  E.M. 328 | Wilmington N.C. Sept. 18th 67 Asks that a room be rented for an industrial school to be under the supervision of the A.M.A.s. Capt. Rutherford states that such a room could be rented for $25 per mo.

Sept. 28th  61 | Ayer Ira Jr  Bvt Col & A.S.A.C. Sept. 28th 67 Ref'd to Col. Edie | Ashland Va. Sept. 9th 67 States that Edward Abrams requests the address of his daughter Willey Anna living with Mrs. Johnson at Salisbury N.C.

Sept. 30 *  62 | Avery Lt. Rob't Insp BRF&A.L. Sept. 30th 67 Ref'd to F. A. Fiske.  E.M. 324  Dec. 9 1867 Recd back  Filed | Raleigh N.C. Sept. 28th 67 Transmits letter of R. W. Lassiter offering land in Oxford N.C. on which school buildings for freedmen can be erected.


1867 Oct. 5th  63 | Allison J. F. Lt. Asst Sub Asst Comr Oct 5th 67. Ref'd to Col. Jonston for instructions  E.M. 324 | Wilkesboro N.C. Oct 1st 67 Requested instructions in regard to obtaining funds for school purposes

Oct. 7th  64 | Ashley S. S. Supt. Education  E.M. 324 | Wilmington N.C. Sept. 30th 67 Requests an appropriation to build a school for freedmen on land already furnished. See J. 38.

Oct 14th *  65 | Avery Lt Rob't Ref'd to F. A. Fiske  Recd back Oct. 21st 67  Filed | Raleigh, N.C. Oct 14th 67 Requests that an appropriation be made to build a school building at Oxford.

Oct. 23rd  66 | Allen Thos. C. Mayor of Beaufort. Oct 23rd 67. Ret'd Relates to cases where whites & blacks or blacks alone are concerned. | Beaufort N.C. Oct. 18th 67 Asks if circular 19 applies to all persons regardless of color. See circular 19. Oct. 10th 1867

Nov. 4th *  67 | Avery Lt. Rob't Insp. B.R.F.&c  Filed | Raleigh N.C. Nov 1st 67 Reports relative to the incident near Snow Hill in January last of seven freedmen.

Nov. 6th *  68 | Avery Lt. Rob't Insp. B.R.F.&c  Filed | Raleigh N.C. Nov. 6th 67 Reports his reason for noncompliance with S.O. 125, on its receipt.

Nov. 11th  69 * | Avery Lt Robt late Insp. B.R.F.&c.  Filed | Raleigh N.C. Nov. 7th 67 States that he will forward records of his office as soon as they are completed.

Nov. 13th  70 | Allison J. F. Lt & Asst Sub Asst Comr Nov. 13th 67 Ret'd with directions | Wilkesboro N.C. Nov. 67 Forwards requisition for fuel for months of Oct and Nov. also Found 12 in favor Wesley Harris for wood