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Jany. 6. 86 * | Avery Lt. Robt Bvt. Maj. U.S.A.  Filed | Raleigh N.C. Dec 11th/67 Acknowledges receipt of letter Dec. 11th states that he was relieved from duty with the Military Commission of which he was Judge Advocate the 20th of Nov & since that date acting under the orders of Comdg Genl. 2nd Military District

Jany. 13  87 * | Aiken Lt. L.V.S. Post. Qr. Master Filed | Raleigh N.C. Jany 9/68 Enclosed vouchers for commutation of Quarters and fuel for Capt. A. W. Fuller while on duty at Lexington NC

Jany. 15  88 * | Avery, Bvt. Maj. Robt. U S A Filed | Raleigh, Jany 14/68 Says that he has this day availed himself of the leave of absence, granted him par. 1 S.O. No 1. War. Dept. B.R.F. and A.L. His address is No. 125 William St. N.Y.

Jany. 24  89 | Ashley S S. Asst. Supt. Education Jany. 24. Retd. to Rev. F. A. Fiske granted | Magnolia. NC. Jan. 23/68 Forwards petition of Saml. High Smith to request to be allowed rent for house for Freedmans School in Kenansville NC Recommended by Rev. F. A. Fiske Supt. of Education

Jany. 24  90 | Ashley, S. S. Asst Supt Education Jany. 24. Retd granted | Magnolia NC. Jan 23/68 Forwards petition of John W. Peterson who requests to be allowed rent for a house for Freedmens school in Rockfish Dist. Duplin Co. NC. Recommended of Rev. F. A. Fiske


Febry 4 91 * | Aldrick Bishop Lieut 8th U.S. Inft. Filed | New Bern. NC. Jany 28/68 Encloses herewith a copy of communication from the Comdg Genl of Sub. authorizing Officers doing duty in Sub. Dept. to issue certain articles of Sub. Stores to Agents of Bureau at such places as they may be called for.

Febry 5 92 * | Avery, Robt. Lieut. U.S.A. Filed | Washington. D.C. Jany 1/68 States that he has a leave of absence for 20 days. Encloses Surgeons certificate of disability

Febry 25 93 * | Avery A C Morganton NC Filed | Morganton. NC Febry 24/68 Was informed by Mr. Hunt that the Bureau still had transportation Orders for issue to freedmen to Morganton NC. States he will apply by the 29th inst for perhaps fifty persons in the name of Chambers and Avery.