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November 2nd 1866 | 1 Bradley A. B. E.B.p.31. | Friendship N.Y. Oct. 25th 1866. Writes in behalf of a colored man named George W. Bond, who desires to have his wife and four children sent to him from Madison N.C. and desires to know if the Bureau can aid him.

November 3rd * | 2 Bready A. G. Bvt. Col. E.B.p.32. | Raleigh N.C. Nov. 3rd 1866. Requests a Leave of Absence for thirty (30) days for the purpose of visiting his home. 

November 5th | 3 Bready A. G. Bvt. Col. E.B.p.36. | Raleigh N.C. Nov. 5th 1866. Requests information whether the porter he was authorized to employ by the A. Asst. Com'r. be discharged before the end of the month or not.

November 15th * | 4 Brown Darling Agent B.R.F. and A.L. | Monroe Union County N.C. Accepts the appointment of Agent B.R.F. and A.L. for Union County.

December 1st | 5 Bell S. A. Act. Asst. Surg. E.B.p.60. | Salisbury N.C. Nov 28th 1866. Makes application that forage be allowed to him for one private horse.

December 6th | 6 Baum Samuel E.B.p.68. | Roanoke Island N.C. Applies to have his land restored.

December 10th | 7 Beals H. S. Agt. Am. Asso. E.B.p.65 | Beaufort N.C. Dec. 5th 1866. Makes application for one of the public buildings 44x65 feet in possession of the Bureau at Morehead City N.C. for the purpose of converting it into a Baptist church for the use of the colored people of Beaufort N.C. and offer in their name $50 for it.

December 11th * | 8 Bready A. G. Bvt. Col. | Raleigh N.C. Dec. 10th 1866. Requests transportation for Bvt. Maj. Thos. H. Hay from Franklinton to Raleigh N.C. on business connected with the Bureau

December 14th * | 9 Bell James B. See L.B.p.225. | Boston Mass. Oct. 19th 1866. Makes inquires as to the whereabouts of certain freed people.

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December 16th | 10 Blaisdell C. R. E.B.p.68. | Lowell Mass. Nov. 22nd 1866. States that Harry Randolph, formerly slave of Joseph Cox of [[Coq union?]] County N.C. is now residing at North Billeria Mass. and that he, Harry Randolph, has a child named Preston Randolph, living with Wm. Reese at Jamestown Depot, Guilford County N.C. Harry is very anxious to obtain his son and has sent money for that purpose to various parties living in that vicinity but the child has not been set at liberty. Desires to know what steps he can take to obtain the assistance of the officers of the Bureau.

December 17th * | 11 Bagley Wm. H. Priv. Sec. | Raleigh N.C. Dec. 15th 1866. Granting respite until Jan. 25th 67 in the case of Robert Davis freedman, sentenced to be hung at Greensboro N.C.

December 17th * | 12 Bagley Wm. H. Priv. Sec. | Raleigh N.C. Dec. 17th 1866. Proposes a joint investigation be made by the civil and military authorities in the matter of injustice being done to freedmen in Johnston County in apprenticing.

December 24th | 13 Bready A. G. Bvt. Col.  Filed with M 35, Vol 2. | Raleigh N. C. Dec. 18th 1866. States that an assault was committed upon his person (with attempt to kill) at his private boarding house, by one Waterbury alias Williams. Requests that the would be murderer be arrested by the Military Authorities under the provision of G.O. No. 44; the civil authorities having failed to take any action in the case.

January 14th | 14 Boyce David E.B.p.92. | Charlotte N.C. Jan. 7th 1867. Applies for transportation for himself, wife and child aged 4 yrs. from Charlotte N. C. to Jacksonville Florida

Transcription Notes:
In December 16th entry, North Billerica, Mass. is misspelled "North Billeria" -- Beth