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| January 17." 67 | 15 Barton Thos. B. E. B. p. 96. | Wilmington N. C. Jan. 10" 1867. Statement of outrage committed on him while engaged in teaching freedmens schools at Long Creek. |

| January 23" | 16 Bryan R. K.  E. B. p. 101. | New Hanover Co. N. C. Asks relief for Amanda, an idiotic freedwoman and gives particulars of the case. |

| January 25" * | 17 Birdsall S. H. | Currituck County N. C. Jan. 16" 1867. Tenders his resignation as Agent of the Bureau for N. C. |

| January 29" | 18 Badger R. C. Atty. E. B. p. 107. | Raleigh N. C. Jan. 27" 1867. Requests that possession of property near Raleigh used as a small pox hospital may be relinquished to the owner Mr Mordecai. |

| January 30" | 19 Brown T. R. E. B. p. 109. | Anson County N. C. Jan. 22d 1867 Applies for transportation for himself and 23 adults and four children under 12 years of age, to Chapel Hill Texas. |

| February 7" | 20 Bond James Jr. E. B. p. 114. | Charlotte N. C. Feb. 4" 1867. Applies for transportation for 76 freedpeople from Charlotte N. C. to Haywood Co. Tenn.|

| February 13"  |21 Birch J. S.  E. B. p. 120. | Salisbury N. C. Feb.12" 1867. Applies for transportation from Salisbury N. C. to Tensas Parish La. for forty freedmen.|

| February 15" | 22 Birdsall S. H. E. B. p. 122. | Crawford Co. Pa. Feb. 9" 1867. Forwards papers relative to his services as a civilian employee of this Bureau in North Carolina, claiming back pay. |

| February 18" | 23 Barrow D. A. E. B. p. 127. | Charlotte N. C. Feb. 14" 1867. Applies for transportation for 124 freedpeople from Charlotte N. C. to the Parish of Iberville La. |

| February 18" * | 24 Bright Edward Cor Sec. | New York Feb 11" 1867 States that he has shipped 3.000 bushels of corn to |

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|   |   | Wilmington N. C. for distribution to the poor of the state of N. C. and requests the joint action of the Asst. Com'r and the Gov. of N. C. in distributing the same. |

| February 28" | 25 Brown O. Gen. E. B. p. 137. | Richmond Va. February 25" 1867. Requests that enquiries be made for Thaddeus Diggs of Co. F. 1st U. S. C. T. who was mustered out on the 29th of Sept. 1865 at Roanoke Island. |

| March 4" * | 26 Bright Edward Cor. Sec. | New York Feb 21" 1867 Desires to know what amount of corn would be needed to prevent destitution in N. C. from this time until the gathering of the next harvest, independent of the issues of the Bureau. |

| March 10" * 67 | 27 Bright Edward Cor. Sec.'y | New York Mch. 7" 1867. States that he has not heard of the arrival of the 3.000 bushels of corn sent to Wilmington N.C. by the Commission |

| March 10" * | 28 Brown O. Lt. Brig. Gen. | Richmond Va. March 8" 1867. Concerning the organization of the Bureau of the State under the new change |

| March 11" * | 29 Best R W. Sec. of State. | Raleigh N. C. Mch. 9" 1867. Concerning an act repealing all laws and parts of laws discriminating between Whites and Blacks. |

| March 13" * | 30 Best R. W. Sec. of State | Raleigh N. C. March-1867. An act to amend the 5th Chapter of the revised code, entitled "Apprentices" |

| March 14 | 31 Rainum G. W. | Bennington Ohio Feby 28" 1867. Asks if the Bureau can render them any assistance in collecting a sum of money due a number of freedmen for wages accruing after manumission, befor the War, and which was converted by Mr Jackson the Atty (Son in law of Gov. Worth) into Confederate Bonds. |