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1867 July 24th  106 | Bolenius A. W. Maj. Sub Asst Com'r July 24th 67 Ret'd None on hand. | Greensboro N.C. July 22nd 67 Requests copies of the Civil Rights Bill

July 24th  107 * | Bolenius A. W. Maj. Sub Asst Com'r Filed | Greensboro N.C. July 23rd 67 States that enclosed appointment for Joe Fitzer as returned as he is unfit for the position of clerk. names R. E. Potts in his stead

July 26  108 * | Bolenius A. W. Maj. Sub Asst Com'r Filed | Greensboro N.C. July 24th 67 Transmits vouchers of R. E. Potts for services rendered as clerk from June 11th to July 31st 67.

Aug 2nd  109 * | Birnie Wm. Agent BRF.&c Filed | Lumberton, N.C. July 30th 67 Acknowledges receipt of his appointment at $125 per mo. and his acceptance of same

Aug. 6th  110 | Birnie Wm. Agent. Aug. 6th 67 Referred to Gen Scott Asst. Com. Sc. E.M. 304 | Lumberton, N.C. July 31st 67 States that Nancy McDaniels complains that her son Isaac Solomon is treated badyly by Daniel McIntyre to whom he is bound and asks for authority to go after him.

Aug 6th  111 | Benson Jas. H. Aug. 6th 67 Forwd to Capt. Clous. | Lashing, N.C. July 21st 67 States that a man named Manible commits depredations on the people and that they fail to arrest him.

Aug 6.  112 | Bolenius A. W. Maj. Sub Asst Com'r Filed | Greensboro N.C. Aug 1st 67 Requests a supply of Blanks for reports.

Aug. 10th  113 | Bolenius A. W. Maj. Sub Asst Com'r Aug 10 67 Retd. Granted | Greensboro N.C. Aug. 8th 67 Requests authority to withdraw a requisition on Post Commissary as the ration ceases on the 20th.

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1867 Aug. 14th  114 * | Berta Reno et al. Aug. 14th 67 Ref'd to Rev. F. A. Fiske. E.M. 320-534- | Wilkesboro N.C. Aug. 10th 67 Apply to the Bureau for assistance in the purchase of a school house and church.

Aug. 15  115 | Bolenius A. W. Maj. & Sub. Asst Comr. Aug. 15th 67 Refd to Capt. McKillip | Greensboro N.C. Aug. 11th 67 States that the debt due John Causey from Jupiter Dilworth will be paid at the end of the month.

Aug. 15th  116 | Bolenius A. W. Maj. & Sub. Asst Comr. Aug. 15th 67 Referred to Dr. H. C. Vogel. | Greensboro N.C. Aug. 11th 67 Request the collection from B. T. Spices Murfreesboro, of a debt due Susan Morehead for hire of her son.

Aug. 16th  117 * | Bullock Alfred Aug 16th 67 Ref'd to Lt. Hay Rec'd back Aug. 30. Filed | Manson N.C. Aug. 12th 67 States that Porter is trying to cheat him out of his wages by producing a false receipt. Asks that 

Aug. 16th  118 * | Bolenius A. W. Maj. Sub Asst Com'r Filed | Greensboro N.C. Aug. 8th 67 Requests the payment of his clerks expenses in travelling to Trinity College and acting as an authorized agent.

Aug 16th  119 * | Bolenius A. W. Maj. Sub. Asst Com'r Filed | Greensboro N.C. Aug. 9th 67 Informs the freedmen that he will keep a record of labor wanted and all those desiring employment.

Aug. 16th  120 * | Bolenius A. W. Maj. Sub Asst Com'r Filed | Greensboro N.C. Aug. 9th 67 Encloses vouchers of John N. Staples for drayage, and Mr. Potts for travel expenses.

Aug. 21  121 | Bolenius A. W. Maj. Sub Ass't. Comr Aug. 21st 67 Ret'd for report if [[??]] of discovery of this horse and the circumstances leading to the [[??]] of his having been stolen  E.M. 302 | Greensboro N.C. Aug. 16th 67 Asks if he can use a horse found by him which was stolen from the Army at Lexington in 1865