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[[3 column table]]
----- |-----| ----- [[/preprinted]]
Febry. 7. 164 | Bell. S. A. 
Act. Asst. Surgeon 
Febry. 7. Retd to W^m A Cutler. Until further ordered. trans will be furnished from these Hd. Qrs | Salisbury NC. Jany 25-1868 Enquires if transportation will be furnished patients in Hospital who are fit subjects for discharge and who were sent there from other stations.  Forw^d by Capt. W. Smith Asst. Surgeon.  
Febry 13. 165 | Bernie W^m Agent. B. R. F. &. A L E B p. 386 ' 391[[=?]] | Lumberton NC. Jany 29-/68  Encloses Vouchers for Medical attendance to the amount of $55^00 for payment.

Febry. 14 166. | Bell. S. A.  A. A. Surg. U. S. A. In charge Febry. 14. Retd to. W^m A. Cutler. with authority to hire two men at $10^00 per month each. | Salisbury. NC. Febry 11-1868 Applies for permission to employ two watchmen to guard Government Property in insecure Hospital buildings. Forwarded by W^m A. Cutler. Agent. Approved.

Febry. 15 167 [[asterisk stamp]]  | Bell. S. A. 
 AA Surg U. S. A. In chg. Febry. 15. Recd. The ages of the Children must be given. Febry. 19. Recd. back. and Filed | Salisbury. NC. Febry 6-1868 Applies for Transportation for discharged Hospital Patients to their respective homes as per letter enclosed. Ford by W^m A. Cutler Agent. &c.

Febry 22 168. | Busbee S. W= Snow Hill NC Filed. Mch. 31. F'w^d to Genl. Howard. in S. S. 665  | Snow Hill NC Jany 9/68 Represents the destitute condition of his County. [[(Green)]] and requests aid

Feb. 27. 169. | Branch Shadrach. (Cold) E. B. p 393. | Raleigh. N. C. Feb 27' 68 Asks attention to his case, v.s. Norris & Stinson for work performed under contract in 1866. Wishes the matter settled as soon as possible.

Transcription Notes:
(in reference to notes of transcriber below) "E B p" is part of a filing system--not the date or an equation. What looks like a lowercase "f" is the writer's style of making a lowercase "p." I'm changing this back. Jlch EB p. 386' 391[[=?]] ( this is incorrect -- it seems to be: E 13fe. 386*391= ) (13 indicates the day of the month; note the 3 of the 13 in the previous column they are similar; the"fe" means February)(the numbers appear to be a part of a math equation/tally of some kind and the equal symbol at the end speaks to that conclusion.