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[[3 column table]]
[[preprinted]]|WHEN RECEIVED.|  NAME OF WRITER |  DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. [[/preprinted]] 

1867 May 30  52. | Christmas J.Z. Depty Collector   May 30 67 transmitted to Col. Jr. Bomford Comder Post of Raleigh | Franklinton, N.C. May 28 '67  Applies for permission to carry a revolver when traveling on public duty. - Recommended by Lt.Thos.H. Hay.

June 4th  53* | Cheney E.D. Secretary &c N.E.Br. Freedmen's Union Com's'n.  E.B. p 248 Rec'd back June 12 '67  Filed | Boston Mass. May 28 1867  Enquires whether the teachers of Freedmen's Schools in N.C. will be furnished by the Bureau with transportation to their homes as in Virginia.

June 5  54* | Charles Calvin J.  Filed | Wilkesboro N.C. June 1 '67  In reply to letter of 23 ult states that he will have the building on his place promptly repaired for school purposes for freemen at a cost not exceeding $100.00

June 1  55* | Cogswell M. Bvt.Col. Sub.Asst. Com.  Filed | Fayetteville N.C. May 25 '67  Recommends that Manchester H.Weld, Bureau Agent, be relieved from duty.

June 7  56* | Compton C.C. Maj. 40 U.S. Infty Su.Asst Com | Goldsboro, N.C. June 1, 1867  Reports non trial of cases for the week ending June 1st 1867 

June 7  57* | Cogswell, M.  Maj. 8th U.S.Infty
Subasst Com | Fayetteville, June 3, 1867  Makes personal report of station and duty

June 8  58 | Compton C.C. Maj. 40 U.S.Infty Subasst Com. | Goldsboro N.C. June 6, 1867  Reports the issue of rations in the subt Dist under his command  Whites 45 Freedmen 10.

June 8 59* | Coats A. 1st Lt. in charge of claims   Filed | New Berne N.C. June 5, 1867  Makes statement of the operations of the claim division under his command for the month of May 1867

June 10  60 | [[Cunerd?]] J.F. 2nd Lt. & asst supt  Filed | Smithfield N.C. June 5, 1867  Makes requisition for supplies of corn and pork for the destitute of Johnston Co.

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1867 June 12"  61* | Cloud John M.  Filed | Surrey Co. N.C. June 6 '67 States that H.W. Waugh is not a suitable man as Agent for the Bureau as he is doubly disfranchised having been in the State Legislature before and during the war.

June 12"   62* | Coats A. Lt. & Asst Supt  Filed |  New Berne N.C. June 10" 67  Acknowledges receipt of discharge papers of Henry Crenshaw 54th U.S.C.T.  States that claim will be forwarded for additional bounty.

June 13"  63* | Cogswell M.  Maj & Subasst Com  Filed |Fayetteville N.C. June 8, 1867  Returns letter of Asst Com. relative to an alleged assault said to have been committed by W.W. Weld Agent. States that W.W. Weld was under the influence of liquor and political excitement; has been released from arrest.

June 13"  64* | Cogswell M.C. Maj & Sub Asst Com. Filed Cogswell, |Fayetteville N.C. June 8 1867 Encloses inspection reports of his command  Recommends the increase of ration issue

June 13"  65* | Cogswell, M.  Maj & Sub Asst Com  Filed | Fayetteville N.C. June 9, 1867 Requests that Dan Agent be appointed for Richmond County.

June 11"  66* | Compton C.E. Maj & Sub. Asst. Com.   Filed |Goldsboro, N.C. June 12 '67  States that he was under mistake in regard to forwarding of reports in regard to registration, that he will send them in two days at farthest.

June 11"  67* | Compton C.E. Maj & Sub Asst Co,  Filed | Goldsboro N.C. June 12" 1867 Forwards report of the most expedient division of the territory within his command for the purpose of registration