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Oct 21" 117 | Chavers [[Dick?]] Oct 24/67 ret'd to F. A. Fiske Granted | Houses Dist. N. C. Oct 12' 67 Petitions the Bureau to pay a rent of $5 per month for School building

Oct. 22" 118 | Carr. W^m  [[?]] Oct 23" 67 E.m. 335 | Wilmington N.C. Oct 15" 67 Requests an appropriation to build and repair Presbyterian Freedmen's school. Forwr'd approved by Capt. Rutherford.

Oct 29' 119 | Chapin A. B.  A. A. Surg. U.S.A. Oct 29' 67 ret'd for ages of parties. | Raleigh, N. C. Oct 28" 67 Requests transportation to hospital at Salisbury for Louis Athos and six others as hospital at Raleigh has been broken up.

Nov. 1" 120 [[asterisk stamp]] | Chapin A. B.  A. A. Surg  Filed | Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 31" 67 Requests transportation for seven hospital patients from Raleigh, N. C. to Salisbury, N. C.

Nov. 2" 121. [[asterisk stamp]] | Cutler Lt Col W^m A. Ass't Sub. Ass't Com'r Filed | Rocky Mount, N. C. Oct 30" 67 Makes report of case between J.H. Cuchins and Isaac Battle in reference to division of crops as directed in letter of Oct. 8" 67

Nov 2" 122 | Charlotte Post of Lazelle Maj. H. M. Comd'g Filed E.m. 344 | Charlotte N. C. Oct. 31" 67 Asks if transportation can be furnished Lena Boyd from Helena Ark to. Charlotte, N. C. as she was decoyed away without the consent of her father W^m Boyd

Nov. 12" 123 | Cogswell Col. M.
Sub. Asst Com'r Nov. 12" 67. Ret'd Vouchers 12 to be forwarded. Fuel expended was Forwarded. | Fayetteville N. C. Nov. 9 "67 Forwards requisitions  for one cord of wood for payment

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Nov. 16" 124 [[asterisk stamp]] | Cogswell Col. M. Sub Asst Comr   Filed | Fayetteville N. C. Oct. 1" 67 Requests appointment of Lt. [[?]] A. Whitney 8" Infty and A. S. A. C. for Cumberland County.

Nov. 16' 125 [[asterisk stamp]] | Cogswell Col. M. Sub Asst Comr Filed | Fayetteville, N. C. Nov, 2' 67 Requests authority to purchase a stove for freed school at Fayetteville and forwards vouchers for repairs made at said school house

Nov. 16" 126 [[asterisk stamp]]  | Chresfield Jas. G. for freedmen Filed.  |  Lexington, N. C.  Nov 3" 67 Asks that W. F. Henderson be retained as Bureau officer, as all reports detrimental to him are untrue.

Nov. 19" 127 | Cardin Ishmael J. Nov. 19" 67. Retd  to H C.  Vogells for full information | Orangelo N. C. Nov. 1" 67 Requests transportation for Susan Booker, aged nearly 100 years to [[Bucksville?]] Va.

Nov 20" 128 |Carter Rosannah (cold) Nov 19" 67 Refd to Capt. H. Hillebrandt Dec 2" 67 Rec'd back with counter affidavit and returned to Col. J. R. Edie | Salisbury, N. C. Nov 16" 67 Complained that Dr. J. Carter owes her $40. and has never paid the account.

Nov 19" 129 [[asterisk stamp]] | Chapin A. B.    A. A. Surg Filed | Raleigh, N. C. Nov 14" 67 Requests transportation for Peter [[Clendewin?]] and two others to their homes in Graham N. C.

Nov. 20" 130 [[asterisk stamp]] | Chapin A. B. A. A. Surg Filed | Raleigh N. C. Nov 20" 67 Requests transportation for Catherine Brown from Raleigh to Salisbury, N. C.

Nov 21" 131 [[asterisk stamp]] | Chapin A.B. 
A. A. Surg Filed | Raleigh N. C. Nov. 20" 67 Requests transportation for W^m [[Mangrano?]] freedman from Raleigh to Henderson N. C.