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Jany. 7. 150 [[asterisk stamp]]  | Coats, Lt. A. Asst. Supt. C. D. O. File D | New Bern. Jany. 6/68 Acknowledges receipt of discharge papers of Albert. Crowell late Co^[[r]]p Co. E. [[M/]].U. S. C. Hy. Arty

Jany 10 151 | Cutler, Bvt. Lt Col W^m 
Asst. Sub Asst. Com E B p 364 | Rocky Mount. Dec 31 States that two children of Ex [[wm.?]] Joyner, Col^D, of Wilson N. C wish to be taken from their Father who is a lazy and worthless fellow and. does not. take of them. States also that they have a half. brother who will take care of them upon proper authority being given him

Jany 15 152 | Compton. C. E. Maj Sub. Asst. Comr EBp 369 | Goldsboro, NC Jany 9th. 68 Forwards statement of Martin [[Pegee?]], Private Co. E. 40. U. S. Inft who makes enquiries concerning his Bounty. States that he has not. been absent from his Post since 3^rd May. 1867 Requests that the Case be searchingly looked into

Jany 16 153 [[asterisk stamp]] | Chapin, A. B. A. A. Surg Filed | Raleigh. NC, Jan, 14/68 Requests transportation for W^m Revels to go to U. S. Hospital at. Salisbury. NC. for. Medical treatment. Recommended by Rev. F. A. Fiske. Supt. Education

Jany. 17 154  [[asterisk stamp]] | Cantwell. Edward Atty. at. Law Filed | Oxford, NC Jany 12 States that Moses Owens filed an account of. $57^00 against Taylor and Hughes. Wishes to obtain the same relief for him as in case of John. Hunt.

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Jany 18. 155 [[asterisk stamp]] | Coats A Lieut | Asst. Supt. C.D O Filed | New Bern. NC. Jany. 16-/68 Acknowledges receipt of letter dated 14th inst Enclosing Discharge papers of Soldiers whose claim against the U. S. Govt. is allowed.

Jany. 18 156. [[asterisk stamp]] | Chapin, A. B. A. A. Surg. U .S. A. Filed | Raleigh. NC. Jany. 17. 68 Requests transportation for Henry Morris, cold to go to U. S. General Hospital at. Salisbury. NC for medical treatment

Jany 20 157 [[asterisk stamp]] | Compton C E Bvt Lt Col S. A Com^r Filed | Goldsboro. NC. Jany [[14?]]/68 Requests a Special Order dated Dec. 6 1867. by Asst. Com be issued relieving the detachment of 40th US Inft. from duty in B. R. F. and A L

Jany 20 158 [[asterisk stamp]] | Cole Miss Harriott Chapel, Hill NC. Filed | Chapel, Hill NC. Dec 24/68 Writes in reference to an agreement she made with a cold man in reference to hireing his Daughter to her for one year and now claims said Child. Desires information in regard to this case

Jany 21 159 [[asterisk stamp]] | Cutler W^m A. Agent. &C. Filed | Salisbury. NC. Jany 2/68 Requests permission to purchase forage for two or three horses Recommended by Bvt. Lt Col. Tho P. Johnston

Jany. 28 | Chur Jacob. F. Bvt. Lt. Col. A. A.
A G | [[double underline of overwrite "Void"]] Raleigh. NC. Nov. 26/68 Encloses transportation orders Nos 1735 to 1745, as requested. [[/double underline of overwrite "Void"]]

Jany 30 160 [[asterisk stamp]] | Coats Andrew In chg of Claims Filed | New Bern. NC. Jany 28-1868 Acknowledges receipt of letter dated the 25^th enclosing discharge of James Wood late of Co D. 5^th USCT.