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Febry 6, 161 [[asterisk stamp]] | Coats. Andrew- Lieut & Asst. Supt. Filed | New Bern. NC. Febry 4-1868 Acknowledges receipt of communication dated Febry. 1^st 1868. enclosing discharge of soldiers whose claim against the Govt. is allowed.

Febry. 10 162. | Cantwell Edward Atty at. Law.
E. B. p. 385- | Oxford. NC. Febry 6^th 1868. Requests proceedings in his case at. the suit of Burrough. Trustee of Taylor &. Hughes be suspended Six months on his giving certain security

Febry 10 163 [[asterisk stamp]] | Coats Andrew. Lieut & Asst. Supt. Filed | New Bern. NC. Febry 6/68 Acknowledges receipt of discharge of John. Henby  Pvt. Co B. 14^th USC. Hy. Arty

Febry 10 164 [[asterisk stamp]] |  Carle. James Agent. B. R. F & A. L Filed | Hillsboro. NC Febry 6/68. Forwards vouchers for his pay wishes to be informed how to make out his vouchers for wood and rent of Office

Febry 10 165 [[asterisk stamp]] | Carle James Agent. B. R. F &. A. L Filed | Hillsboro NC. Jany 21/68 States he has secured an Office building. Wishes that Books blanks and instructions with Books and papers left. by Lieut Porter be forwared to him. Reports in a case which came before him. Wishes instructions how to proceed with it. Requests to be allowed a Clerk.

Febry 21 166 [[asterisk stamp]] | Carle. James Agent. &C. | Hillsboro NC. Febry 20/68 Applies for permission to purchase furniture for use of Office

Febry 24 167 [[asterisk stamp]] | Cutler. W^m Agent. &C, Filed | Salisbury. NC. Febry 22-/68 Acknowledges receipt of transportation order for convalesent persons in Dist Genl Hospital at Salisbury NC to their respective homes.

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Febry 25 168. | Cutler W^m A Agent. &C
Febry 25. Ref^d to Lt. Col. Thos. P. Johnston. 
| Salisbury. NC. Febry 24-1868 Represents that the patients in the Dist Gen^l. Hospital at Salisbury. NC both Male and Female are sorely in need of decent. and comfortable Clothing Many are destitute of blankets. Hopes that prompt. relief be given to the suffering inmates of the Hospital

Febry 29 169 | Clement, Giles Davidson C^o. NC
Febry. 29. Refd. to Capt. A. W. Fuller.
E B p. 395 | Davidson. C^o. Febry. 19/68
States that three colored women and their two children lately living on Miss Evans plantation at [[Hattsburg?]]. NC. with James [[W.?]] [[Haden?]] have been forcibly driven from the place by said [[Haden?]] on [[?]] of wages &c. and that they are now in a very destitute condition Requests action of the Bureau in the premises

Febry 29 170 | Compton C. E. Bvt. Lieut Col.
Sub. Asst. Com^r E B p. 394 | Goldsboro. NC. Febry 24. 1868 States that numerous complaints have been made at his Office in regard to their claims. for bounty which were given to [[F?]]F Lee and of which nothing has been heard of.

Febry 29 171 [[asterisk stamp]] | Chapin A B. A. A. Surg. U. S. A Filed | Raleigh. NC Febry 28./68 Requests transportation to U. S Genl. Hospital at. Salisburg NC for. W^m Parker, Col^d, who is in need of Medical treatment Recommended by Dr. Vogell