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|December 10"|19 Doherty Wm. H. Agt. E.B.p. 89.|Elizabeth City, N. C. Nov 15" 1866. Inquires if a salary can be granted to teachers of a "Free White School" for the children of Refugees and poor white citizens.|
|December 24"|20 Dillon Richard Capt. E.B.p. 79.|Beaufort N. C. Dec. 20" 1866. States that he has a public horse in his possession, the property of the U.S. That for the months of Oct. and Nov. he was unable to draw forage and borrowed it, which he now owes. That the Chf.[?] Qr. Mr. is about to take said horse from him. That it is absolutely necessary he should have a horse, and requests that the Chf.[?] Qr. Mr. be directed or authorized to allow him to retain said horse; to furnish the back forage and that which may be required hereafter.|
|December 26" *|21 Dixon George Agt. F. F. Apn.[?] E.B.p. 77.|Greensboro N. C. Dec. 12" 1866. States that certain buildings were turned over to him by the Bureau, and are situated upon property belonging to private individuals, who refuse to allow him the privilege of removing said buildings. Asks the assistance of the U.S. in the matter as they wish to remove the same.|
|January 5"|22 Day Warren E. A. A. Surg. E.B.p. 86|Wilmington N. C. Jan 2d 1867. Forwards requisitions for fuel for Hogan and Small Pox Hospitals. States there are nine fires of which six require coal.|
|January 7"*|23 Dunn Amanda. Trans. fees.[?]|Concord N. C. Jan 1st 1867. Applies for transportation for herself and five children from Concord N. C. to Kinston N. C. their former home.|
|January 7"*|24 Day Warren E. A. A. Surg. E.B.p 87|Wilington N. C. Jan 1st 1867. Encloses requisition for fuel for the month of Dec. with ends't[?] of Sh. J.W. Means A.Q.M.|
|January 10"|25 Dodge C. W. Lieut E.B.p. 88.|Plymouth N. C. Jan. 5" 1867. Makes request to know, what provision can be made for Nancy Morse (color)[?] an insane freedwoman now confined in jail.|
|January 14"*|Dixon Geo. E.B.p. 92.|Danville Va. Jan 8" 1867. States that he has certain schools under his care in N. C. and it is necessary that he visit them once a month. Wishes to know, if transportation could be furnished him by the Bureau.|
|January 14"*|27 Dodge C. W. Lieut Trans. fees.[?]|Plymouth N. C. Jan 8" 1867. Makes application for transportation for a sick freedman from Plymouth N. C. to New Bern N. C.|
|January 23"|28 Day Warren E. A. A. Surg. E.B.p. 101.|Wilmington N. C. Jan 19" 1867. Reports that 18 persons are in Hospital, awaiting transportation, consuming the food belonging to the patients. Considers it a matter of injustice and asks for a remedy.|
|January 25"|29 Dillon Richard Capt. E.B.p. 103.|Beaufort N. C. Jan. 21" 1867. Requests authority to hire boatmen to run the Bureau boat at Beaufort. N. C.|
|February 20"|30 Dodge C. W. Lieut E.B.p. 134|Plymouth N. C. Feb 8" 1867. Reports that frequent applications are made to him by the parents of colored children to know which has the best claim to their children|
|March 4"|31 Day Warren E. A. A. Surg. E.B.p.140|Wilmington N. C. Mch. 1st 1867. Refers to Article 4 Par 37. officers manual and asks that his pay be increased fifty per cent.|
|March 4"|32 Doherty Wm. H. Agent Bureau E.B.p. 141|Elizabeth City N. C. Feb. 5" 1867. Transmits accounts due to person who boarded 2 U.S. Soldiers for the months of Dec and Jan. and forms No 2 [?] for the same.|