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|March 6th | ^33 Dilworth A. Agent. E. B .p. 145. | Greensboro N. C. Feb. 28" 1867. Forwards complaint of Patrick Rice freedman, who asks to have two minor children returned to him.|

|March 6th [[asterisk stamp]] | ^34 Dough Thomas A. | Roanoke Island N. C. Mch.-1867 Applies for restoration of his property, 85 acres on Roanoke Island.|

March 6" "67 | ^35 Dixon George Agt. A. F. U. [[ap?]] | Danville Va. February 28" 1867. Acknowledges receipt and acceptance of appointment as Asst. Supt. of Education for State of N. C.|

|March 11" | ^36 Dunn W. H.  E. B. p. 150. | Charlotte N. C. Mch. 4" 1867 Applies for transportation for seventy five freedmen from Charlotte N. C. to Vaiden Miss.|

|March 14" | ^37 Day W. E.  A. A. Surg. E. B. p. 151 | Wilmington N. C. March 12" 1867. Refers to note[?] 1st Rev.4. Article 5 "Means of transportation" of Bureau Manual allowed to Gen. Hospitals and asks that the same be furnished Hogan Hospital.|

|March 18" | ^38 Dunlop John E. B. p. 156. | Raleigh N. C. Feb. 6" 1867. States that W^m. Powell (colored) has been working for Serg't. O'Malley Co. K. 8th U. S. Infy. for six months and has not received any pay for his services, though he engaged to work for $4.00 per month and board and clothes. Also states that soldiers are hiring freedmen and not paying them.|

|March 18" | ^39 Dillon Richard Capt. E. B. p. 166. |Beaufort N. C. Mch. 14" 1867. Request that Maj. Johnston. Chf. Qr. Mr. be directed to receipt to him for such Qr. Mr. property as he now has in his possession and that the same be retained at Beaufort for use of the Bureau.|

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March 22^d 67 ^[[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^40 Dillon Richard Capt.  |  Beaufort N. C. March 1867. Stating why the delay was caused in forwarding his ration return and requests that the ration may be furnished him to prevent much suffering.

March 25" | ^41 Dilworth A. Agent E. B. p. 170 | Greenboro N. C. Mar. 8" 1867. Reports Jas. Kerns freedman of Randolph Co. who is disabled and wishes to attend school, but has no means to pay his board. Has had tuition offered him gratis: wishes to qualify himself for a teacher.

April 4" ^[[asterisk stamp]] |  ^42 Dixon, George | Danville Va. April 2^d 1867. States that he has succeeded in removing the building purchased from the Bureau at Greensboro and has established homes for nine colored families.

April 8" | ^43 Doherty Wm H. Agt. E. B. p. 187 Em. 256 | Elizabeth City N. C. Mch. 25" 1867. Transmits statements of the necessity for a Normal School in the state of North Carolina

April 17" ^[[asterisk stamp]] | ^44. Dixon George Asst. Supt. of Ed. | Danville Va. April 13" 1867. Concerning his transportation orders and the progress of his schools.

April 18" | ^45 Dorland Luke | Concord N. C. April 16" 1867. Petitions the Bureau to pay the rent of School building used by freedmen in Concord at $12. per mo. from January 1st 1867.

April 22 | ^46 Dunstin Alfred (col'd) E. B. p. 206 Em 206.-311 | Franklin Co. N. C. Apr 16" 67 States that Rev. Mr [[Closs?]] took with him to Iredell Co. his grandchild Louisa without his consent. Asks that Closs may be compelled to send the girl back and pay all expenses.

April 22^d | ^47 Dodge C. W. Lieut. E. B. p. 206 | Plymouth N. C. April 13" 1867. States that J. J. Martin of Martin County having returned an apprentice named June Moore by her mothers request asks