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1867 July 12 65 | Dilworth A. late Agent B. R. F. & A. L. July 12' 67 Ref'd to Rev. Parish | Greensboro. N. C. July 1867 Forwards the number of school children in his district

July 12 66 | Dozier Albert [and] Elmingham Danl July 12'67 Ref'd to Col. Thos P. Johnston [[C. W.?]] | Elizabeth City. NC. May 24 67 Request payment of enclosed vouchers for board of Corpl. Danl. [[Gonneview?]] & Pv't Fred. Marshall 8" [[sr^mf.?]] Infty.

July 15 67 *  | [[Dantin?]] Saml. W. 
Em. 275. Rec'd back Aug. 31 Filed  |  Warrenton N. C. July 8" 67 Requests the action of the Bureau in the case of a couple of his employees who have broken their contract.

July 20 68  |  Doherty W. H. Agent B. R. F. &c July 20' 67 Ref'd to Col. Johnston  |  Elizabeth City. July 13. 67 Asks that Stationery for which he has made requisition be sent him, also blanks.

Aug. 1" 69  |  Doherty. W. H. Agent. B. R. F. &c. August 1" 67. Vouchers forwd to Com. Gen^l Letters returned for missing vouchers. 
Em. 294  |  Elizabeth City. July 19' 67 Requests payment of the enclosed vouchers for rations furnished by Albert Dozier to Pvts [[Ledwall?]] & [[Dentz?]] 8" reg. Infty and also that late Major Henry Camp be requested to sign other vouchers for [[commutation?]] due David Clingham and Allen Dozier for $108. and $64.40 cts. respectively. (Alliance Ohio)

Aug 1" 70 * | Duffy P.F.  Filed |  Greensboro N.C. July 24' 67 Desires an appointment as Agent of the Bureau if Col. Henderson is unable to take the oath

Aug 8 71| Doherty. W. H. Agent B. R. &c Aug 8' 67  Approved to go to Norfolk, if not to New Bern or Raleigh | Elizabeth City , July 25' 67 Requests transportation for John H. Sullivan late 1" U.S.C.T. to some Govt. Hosp. as the wound he received at Fort Fisher has reopened

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1867 Aug 9' 72 *  |  Doherty W. H. Agent B. R. F & A. L. Filed  |  Elizabeth City N. C. Aug. 5' 67 Acknowledges receipt of his appointment as Agent at $125 per month.

Aug. 23" 73 | Dodson Mrs. C. K. Aug 23' 67 Ref'd to Dr. Vogell | Milton, N. C. August 24" 67 Requests assistance of Bureau in the maintenance of two old negroes belonging to her mother (formerly)

Aug. 23" 74  | Donaldson James R. Aug 23" 67 Ref'd to Col [[Shaffer?]] for action  |  Oro., S. C. Aug. 14" 67 States that Alexander Allsbrook freedman appeared before him and stated that a mule belonging to him is claimed and appropriated Mr Grady executor for his master Mr. Allsbrook who lives on Brown Creek Union Co. N. C. Encloses affidavit of Henry Grady in regard to the matter. Forw'd by Asst. Comr S. C.

Aug. 23  75 * | Donaldson James R.  Aug.23" 67 Referred to Col. Cogswell for action. Rec'd back  Filed Oct. 8" 67 | Oro, S C Aug, 14' 67  States that Lewis Chambers is charged by Columbus Lockhart with theft upon the testimony of [[Fenefry?]] Medley col'd girl whom he and three others tppk into the woods and whipped until they compelled her to swear falsely that Chambers committed the theft. Chambers confined in Wadesboro Jail.

76 Sept. 4" 77 * | Dillon Capt. R. Asst Sub Asst Com    Dixon Geo. Asst Supt Education | See No.86  Danville, Va. Aug 23" 67  Requests transportation from Danville to Goldsboro for the purpose of opening school

September 9" 78 * | Dodge C.W.Lt.  Ass't Sub.Asst Com'r   Filed | Edenton, N.C. Sept. 3" 67  Reports that Henry Reddick is apprenticed to one David Cox and living in Hertford N.C.  [[Found?]] by Lt.Foote who states that indenture will be cancelled.

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