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1867 Sept. 13" 79 | Durston Henry et al Trustees Sept. 13 '67. Referred to F. A Fiske  Rec'd back appr. for $350 Retd. [[21?]]. 67 | Wake Forest Sept. 10" 67 Requests an appropriation of $350 to finish their school building.
Sept 13" 80 | Deweese Jnos. Em. 312-312 | Raleigh N. C. Sept 3 "67 Asks what steps are necessary to be taken in starting a Freedmens Savings Bank.
Sept. 14" 81 [[asterisk stamp]] | Dodge C. W. Lt. & Asst Sub. Asst Comr Sept. 14 '67 Em 313 Re'd back Sept 25 "67. Filed | Edenton, N. C. Sept. 9 "67 Requests that the bounty of John Hathaway be forwards as he is now in Edenton.
Sept. 26 82 | Dodge C. W. Lt. & A. S. A. C. Rept. 26 '67. Forward to  [[Postmaster?]] Gen. USA.. Em 322 | Edenton N. C. Sept. 11" 67 requests that checks received by him for his monthly pay, from [[?]] [[?]] P. M. U. S. A. has been refused at the Asst Treasury. N. Y.
Oct 3" 83 [[asterisk stamp]] | Dixon George Asst Supt. Education Filed | Danville Va. Sept. 28 "67 Requests transportation are Official business, from Danville Va to Lincolnton N. C.
Oct 3" 84 [[asterisk stamp]] | Dillon Richard  Capt. Asst Sub Asst Comr Filed. Oct. 16 "67. Ref'd to Col. Johnston Rec'd back Filed Nov. 6 "67 Em. 332-341- | Beaufort, N. C. Sept. 30 "67 Asks what shall be done with the surplus rations on ham, as the corn is becoming damaged
Oct 3' 85 [[asterisk stamp]] | Deweese Jno T. Register in Bankruptcy Oct 3" 67. Ref'd to Asst. Surg. Smith Rec'd back Filed Oct. 7" 67  |  Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 28 67 Complains of the political tenets of A. A. Surg. A. B. Chapin and his editorials in the Raleigh Register. 

Oct 7" 86 |  Dixon Rob't W. et al Oct. 7" 67. Ret'd to F A. Fiske approved for $8 per month  |  Deep River Dist., N. C. Sept. 24' 67 Requests an appropriation of $8 per month to pay for rent of a school building for freedmen.

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Oct. 7" 87 [[asterisk stamp]] |   Dodge C. W. Lt. A. S. A. C.  Filed  |  Edenton, N. C. Oct. 1" 67 Requests information concerning claim of John [[?]] 36" U. S. C. T.

Oct 19" 88  |  Deweese Jno B. Oct. 19' 67" Forw'd This answer to letter of D. L Eaton of 20" utlo.  |  Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 17" 67  States that the desire is very strong for a Freedmens Savings Bank.  Deposits will be about $20000 the first year.  The salary of cashier about $1200 per annum.

Oct 23" 89  |  Doherty W. H. Agent. B. R. F. Oct. 23" 67. Ret'd copy of order enclosed  |  Elizabeth City N. C. Oct 11' 67 Requests copy of Circular order No. 16 War Dept B R. F & A. L.

Oct 23" 90  |  Dodge C. W. Lt. A Sub Asst Com'r Oct. 23" 67. Forw'd to Comr.  |  Edenton N. C. Oct. 21" 67. Transmits receipts for $200 bounty of John Hathaway

Oct 23" 91 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dixon George Asst Supt Ed^n Oct. 24" 67. Filed  |  Danville Va. Oct 24" 67 Requests transportation from Danville, Va., to Goldsboro N. C. and return on official business.

Nov. 6 92 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dillon Capt Richard A. S. A. C. Filed  |  Beaufort, N. C. Nov. 4" 67 Transmits reports &c pertaining to John [[Skarren?]] deceased late clerk in his office

Nov. 6" 93 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dillon Capt Richard A. S. A. C. Filed.   |  Beaufort, N. C. Nov. 4" 67 Transmits copies of contracts with William E. Skarren, [[vice?]] John H. Skanner, deceased.

Nov. 10" 94 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Doherty W^m C. Agent B. R. F. &c. Filed.  |  Elizabeth City, N. C. Oct 29" 67 Requests to know manner of procedure in depositing funds in Freedmens Savings and Trust Company.

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