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Nov. 10" 95 [[asterisk stamp]] | Dodge C. W. Lt  A. S. A. C.  Filed |  Edenton N. C. Nov. 4" 67 Requests authority to purchase one cord of wood for month for office use.

Nov. 19" 96 | Dillon Bv't Maj. B. Asst Sub Asst Comr Filed | Beaufort N. C. Nov 14" 67 Forwards requisitions for fuel and forage for the month of November.

Nov. 21" 97 | Doherty W.H. Agent &c Nov. 21" 67 E. m. 345 | Elizabeth City, N. C. Nov. 14' 67 Suggests the establishment of a Branch of the Freedmens Savings and Trust Company at Elizabeth City N. C.

Nov. 23" 98 | Dillon Capt. Richd Asst Sub Asst Comr Nov. 23" 67 Ret'd to Col. Moore. Recent proclamation is concidered as setting aside former requirements  | Beaufort N. C. Nov. 18' 67 Requests instructions in reference to turning over property, and notifying parties concerning the recent order

Dec 12 99 [[asterisk stamp]] | Dillon Capt Rich^d Asst Sub Asst Com^r | Beaufort N. C. Dec 9 /67. Forwards forage & fuel requisitions with his authority to purchase and Approval.  Asst. Com^r 

Dec 13. 100  |  Dodge Lt. C. W.  Asst. Sub. Asst. Com^r  Filed  |   Edenton N. C  Dec. 10^th 1867  Reports that there has been no applications for Assistance or Laborers in his office for 10 dys ending Dec 10/67 

Dec. 3. 101 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dog^[[d]]e Lt. C. W  Asst Sub Asst Com'r  Filed  |  Edenton N. C Dec 11^th/67  Request that if his services are not required in the Bureau he be appointed Civilian Agent

Dec 13 102 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dillon Capt. Richard  Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr  Filed  |  Beaufort. N. C. Dec 11/67  Acknowledges receipts of G. O No 140 also Circular letter W. D. dated Nov 28 1867.  says he will serve as Civilian Agent.

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Dec 13. 103 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dixon Geo  Asst. Supt. Education  Dec 13/67. For^d by F. A. Fiske. Supt Education recommended.  File.  |  Danville [[?]] Dec 11/67  Request transportation from Danville to Goldboro, N^c and return

Dec. 28 104 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dillon Richard  Capt. & A. S. A. C.  Filed.  D. O. N^o 150. N. C. 1867  |  Beaufort. NC. Dec 12/67  Forwards applications of Messrs E R. Stanley. W. Dunn Jr. Josiah F. Betts. for the restoration of their property now held by Bureau  Recommends restoration of same

Dec. 28 105  |  Dillon Richard  Capt. & A. S. A. C.  EBp 354.  Filed  |  Beufort. N. C. Dec 18/67  Forwards petition of Lewis S. Forten who applies for restoration of a certain piece of property discribed in the plan of the Town of Beaufort NC as lot N^o. 83.  New Town.  and recommends that the Govt. purchase this lot on account of its being used as a burying place. for Freedman

Jany 6. 106 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dillon Richard  Capt. & Bvt. Maj. ASAC  Filed  |  Beaufort. N. C. Jany. 3/68.  Request permission to visit Raleigh for the purpose of consulting with the Asst. Comr on Official Business

Jany. 107. [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dixon. George  Asst. Supt. of. Education  Filed  |  Danville N. C. Jany. 3/68  Requests transportation from Danville to Lincolnton and Return on Official business  Recommended by Rev. F. A. Fiske

Jany 11 108  |  Doherty. W^m H. Esq  AGent B. R. F and A L  Jany. 11.  Ret^d to W H Doherty.  There is no clothing for distribution  |  Elizabeth City Dec 3/67  Transmits requisitions for Clothing