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Febry 7. 120 | Dodge C. W. Lieut A. S. A. Com^r Febry. 7 Refd to. Asst. Com^r of Georgia thro Bureau, Head Qrs. March 4. Recd. back with report. that the boy had recd the money Retd to C W. Dodge.  | Edenton NC. Jany 22- 1868 Forwards papers in the case of Maria [[Rembeau?]] who states that she sent $40 ""/" to her Nephew Jordan Moore [[Mickles?]] in care of Batey & [[Hill?]] Dalton. Gar. Batey & Hill state that they have delivered the money, but Moore says that he never received it which statement is supported by affadavit. Encloses affadavits of Jordan Moore Maria Rembeau & letters of R. F [[Finney?]] & Jordan Mickles.

Febry 10 121 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dodge C. W. Lieut Asst. Sub. Asst. Comr- Filed  |  Edenton. NC Febry 4 1868 Requests
that the money furnished for the transportation of Henry Riddick to his Mother Rose Riddick at the Colored Orphans Asylum at Washington, D. C. be sent by Check. Asst Treas. N. Y. to his Office 

Febry. 18. 122.  |  Dillon Richd. Bvt. Maj A. S. A. Com^r Febry. 18. Refd. to F. A. Fiske  |  Beaufort. NC. Febry 7-1868 States the destitute condition of his Dist as regards Education

Febry. 19 123  |  Dillon Rich^d Bvt. Maj A. S. A. Com^r Febry. 19. Refd to Rev. F. A Fiske Feb 26' Rec^d back and ret'd to " " " [[ditto marks for Rev. F. A Fiske]] granting $10^00 per month for [[rent?]].  |  Beaufort. NC. Febry 16-1868 Requests authority to hire a building at Newport NC for the purpose of a School for Colored Children.

Febry 19 124 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dodge. C. W. Lieut A. S. A. Comr. Filed   |  Edenton NC Febry 14/68 Acknowledges receipt of Check 169 on Asst. [[Treaus?]] US. for $15^00 to defray travelling expenses of Henry Riddick

Febry 212 125.  |  Dunn. N. Enfield NC Filed  |  Enfield NC. Jany 23/68 Represents the destitute condition of his County and requests aid

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Febry 22 126.  |  Dillon Richd Bvt Maj Agent. DC. Filed  |  Beaufort. NC. Febry 19-/68 Represents the destitute condition of his Sub-Division

Febry 29 127  |  Dillon Richd Bvt. Lt Col. Agent. &C Febry 29. Refd to Lt. Col. Johnston.  |  Beaufort. NC Febry 10-/68 As deaths occur among the freed people and they cannot furnish coffins he requests that 50 of them be furnished him &C

Febry 29 128 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Dillon Richard Bvt. Maj Asst. Sub. Asst. Com^r Filed  |  Beaufort. NC. Febry. 24-1868 Recommends that A. A. Surg John N. Niles now on duty in his sub. Dis be assigned to duty at Fayetteville Recommends that the contract with his Clerk be annulled as he is incompetent to fill the position.



Transcription Notes:
Jordan Mrorel Wiehles In care of Batey and Hail Fenniy?