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March 19" 1867 | ^21 Edie John R. Col. E. B. p. 158 | Salisbury NC Mch 19" 1867. Transmits
papers relative to proceedings of Ashe County Court against men who claim they are indicted for acts done against the late rebellion in endeavoring to sustain the cause of the United States.

March 28" [[asterisk stamp]]  | ^22 Edie John R. Col | Salisbury N. C. March 27" 1867. Acknowledges receipt of transportation occurs for Geo. W. Stone and family.

March 29"  |  ^23 Edwards [R?] and Others | Smithfield N. C. March 20" 1867.
Trustees of Freedmens School E. B. p. 176. | Smithfield N. C. March 20" 1867. Request of the Bureau of appropriation of $122.00 for improvements and repairs of their school building.

April 1st [[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^24 Edie John R. Col  | Salisbury N. C. Mch. 28" 67 Encloses ration returns for April 1867 and suggests that ration for Greensboro.

April 8"  |  ^25 Edie John R. Col.  |  Salisbury N. C. Apr. 3" 1867. Acknowledges receipt of a letter covering a copy of a letter of Mr R. F. Hunter, making sundry charges against him and other officers.  States that the letter is a falsehood from beginning to end.

April 19"  [[asterisk stamp]]  |  ^26 Edie John R. Col.  | Salisbury N. C. Apr. 6" 1867. Concerning 1200 bushell of corn donated by citizens of Philadelphia and 1,000 bu from N. Y.

April 30" 67  |  ^27 Edie John R. Col.      Returned to Col. Edie Apr 30" 67 with indentures as requested  |  Salisbury N. C. Apr 26' 1867 Requests the return of indentures of apprenticeship of certain freed children bound to A. G. Carter. 

May 22 28.  |  Echilberry L. Lt & Asst. Supt. 
E. B. p 238. E.m. 264  |  Wilmington N.C. May 10"67 Represents case of Thos. Johnston, colored, arrested and confined in jail as an accomplice to murder.  No evidence could be brought against him, but he was [left] confined until he could pay his jail fees.  He

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1867.  |  [[blank]]  |  is now working out the am't for Mr. Springer who confessed judgment for him at his request.  Asks that the judgment be cancelled as having been obtained while under duress.  

June [?] 29 |   Echelberry L. 2^nd Lt. & AA [[Q M?]] E B p 248. |  Wilmington N. C. June 3" 1867. Encloses requisitions for forage and requests if the amount on hand will not admit that an endorsement to that effect be made &c.

June 11' 30 [[asterisk stamp]] |  Edie John R. Bv't Col. U. S. A. Supt. E.m. 253. Rec'd back July 26" 67 Filed. Rec'd back July 30" 67 Filed.  | Salisbury N. C. May 15. 1867 Forwards letters of [[underlined]] Hugh Jeffers [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Thomas Jerry [[/underlined]] and Anderson Smith relative to contracts of freedmen to labor on  plantations, and suits instituted to eject from plantations referred to him by a clerk in the Hd. Qrs. at Salisbury.  States that common courtesy should require the signature of the officer in com'd.

June 12" 31 [[asterisk stamp]] | Eastmond Oscar Agent B. R. F. & A. L. Filed | Morganton, N. C. June 10",1867 Reports station and duty pursuant to orders.

June 13" 32 | Echelberry L. Lieut. & AAA QM June 13" 67 Referred to Lt. Col. Johnston.  | Wilmington, N. C. June 11" 67 Asks if certain requisitions for clothing &c have been received, and if so what has become of them.

June 14" 33  |  Edie John r. Bv't Col. & Sub. Asst. Comr. June 14" 67 Ret'd thro Col. Edie. "This case does not come within the scope of the Bureau."  |  Salisbury, N. C. June 5" 67 Forwards communication referred to him by Col. Shaffer, of Mrs. [[?]] asking for transportation . disapproved.
June 14" 34 [[asterisk stamp]]  |   Edie John R. Bv't Col. & Sub Asst Com. Filed  |  Salisbury, N. C. June[[?]]/67 Recommends appointments of Mr. M^cFarland as Agent for the counties of Ashes Caldwell, [[Montague?]] and Wilkes.