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1867 June 17" 35 | Eastmond Oscar Agent B. R. F. &. A. L. June 17" 67 Referred to Col. Edie Sub a.c. for action | Morganton N. C. June 10" 67 Forwards communication of A. L.
[[?]] stating that he has been deprived of his just dues for wood and asking that justice may be done.

June 18" 36 [[asterisk stamp]] | Eastmond Oscar Agent B. R. & A. L. filed | Morganton, June 14" 1867 States that the supply of corn ordered has not been received by him, that it can be purchased there for $1.10 $1.20 per bushel.
June 20" 37 | Echelberry L. Lieut. A. A. Q. M. June 20" 67 Ref'd to Col. Johnson [[CQM?]] | Wilmington June 18" 67 Requests an order an charging him to purchase Fuel, Forage, [[Lime?]] Stores and Coffins &c

June 22" 38 | Edie John R. Col. Sub Asst Com^r .June 22" 67 Referred to Col Johnston [[CQM?]] | Salisbury N. C. June 17" 67 Forwards [[asc?]] of W. R. Frazier for provisions bought and issued by him recommending the payment, if just

June 24" 39 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent &c. Filed  |  Morganton, N. C. June 21" 67 Requests an order for transportation to Raleigh N. C. on official business

June 24" 40 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Evans Peter G. Heirs of Filed  |  New Berne, N. C. June 12" 67 Petition for restoration of land known as Trent settlement now occupied by the freedmen.

June 28' 41 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Edie Col. Jno. Sub. Asst Com. Filed   |  Salisbury, N. C. June 8" 67 Makes statement regarding appointment of W^m M^cFarland as Bureau Agent

June 30" 42  |  Edie John R. Sub Asst Com. Filed  |  Salisbury. N. C. June 30' 67 Reports the number of rations issued in his district for the ten days ending June 30" 67

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1867 July 2" 43  |  Eskridge Geo & Phyllis July 2' 67 Forward approved if circumstances are as stated  |  Duck Hill. Miss. June 10" 67 Requests that their daughter Elisa now in Raleigh be given transportation to Miss. 

July 17" 44  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent B. R .F. &c. July 17' 67 Retd The office was furnished with all requisite blanks July 1"  |  Asheville N. C. July 12" 67. Requests a supply of [[V.M.?]] blanks.  such as are of general use for a Bureau office

July 17" 45  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent B. R. F. &c July 17' 67 Forwarded to Hd Qrs 2" Mil Dist approved  |  Asheville N. C. June 28" 67 Requests detail of one more com officer and five men to assist him in his duties

July 17" 46  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent BRF &c. July 17' 67 Forw'd with request for detail of troops (to 2" Mil Dist. Hd Qrs)  |  Asheville. N. C. July 12" 67 States that the people are in a very insubordinate condition, that they violate the order relative to carrying firearms, and putting colored men on juries. encloses a report of an outrage committed on the Union League some two weeks since

July 22 47  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent BRF &c. July 22' 67 Forw'd Hd Qrs 2' Mil Dist Approved  |  Asheville. N. C. July 15" 67 Forwards statement of a case of larceny by a colored man named Carney Shears tried before the County Court and prays that decision of guilt given by the Court be annulled as the man committed theft under compulsion 

July 24" 48  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent B. R. F. &c July 24" 67 Ret'd. No order necessary [[Instruc.?]] laid down in Circular. [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] 67
July 26" 49  |  Edie John R. Sub. Asst Com'r Filed  |  Salisbury N. C. July 24' 67 Requests a few copies blank test oaths to swear in his clerks