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1867 July 26" 50  | Eastwood Oscar Agent B.R.F. &c. Em. 289 | Asheville N. C July 26" 67. Reports case of Cecilia Godell colored, sick, dropsey that he has procured board for her at 10" per mo. as the Wardens of the Poor refuse to take charge of her. asks how he shall defray similar expenses and how her board can be paid.

Aug. 6" 51  [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Evans Berry Capt.
Late 28" Mich. Aug. 6' 67 Ref'd. to Lt Hay. EM 295
Rec'd back Aug 22" 67  |  Bellevue Mich. July 30" 67
Asks for a copy of certain report made by W^m H. Pleasant, Agent.

Aug. 6"  52  |  Edie Jno R. Col. Sub. Asst Com'r  Aug. 6' 67 ret'd Make requisition for 6" [[grain?]] blank book.  |  Salisbury N. C. Aug 2' 67  Asks for a Register to record employment wanted and laborers desired.

Aug. 9"  53  |  Eastmond Oscar.  Agent B. R. F. &c. Em. 292-297  |  Asheville, N. C. Aug 2' 67  requests transportation from Asheville to Hospital at Raleigh for Spencer Foster, (blind freedman one attendant

Aug. 16"  54  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent B. R. F. & A. L. Aug. 16" 67. Ret'd The orders are enforced by the Mil Comdr Comprise your [[district?]] to matters relating to freedmen on [[?]] parts. |  Asheville NC. Aug 10" 67  Requests to be informed whether he has anything to do with the Gen. Orders from 2' Mil. Dist. as he is informed that his office does not extend so far

Aug. 19"  55  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent BRF &c.  Aug. 19' 67 Forw'd to Capt. Clous for action of Gen. Comd'g.  |  Asheville N. C. Aug 10" 67  Transmits case of W. H. Hovel vs Chas. Gorham with his action endorsed therein, subject to the approval of the Comd'g Genl.

Aug. 23"  56  |  Edie. Col. Jno. R. Sub. Asst. Com'r 
Aug. 23" 67. Ret'd with Indenture.  |  Salisbury N. C. Aug. 20" 67  Requests indenture of apprentice ship of Buck to D. G. Sheets.

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1867 Sep't 2"  57  [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent B. R. F. & A. L. Filed  |  Asheville N. C. Aug. 26" 67  Forwards a copy of his letter concerning the action of the Court in the case of Camey Spears.  States that he was only interested as far as his duties as Agent of the Bureau and friend of the freedmen is concerned

Sept. 5"  58  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent B. R. F. & A. L.  Sept. 5" 67. Ref'd to F. A. Fiske. Ret'd Sept. 9. Approved  Ref't to Col. Johnston [[disbursement?]] of $600 approved  |  Asheville. N. C. Aug. 27" 67  Forwards, approved, request for an appropriation to build a church and school by Trustees of African Church, Asheville.

Sept. 13"  59  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent B. R. F. & A. L.  Sept. 13' 67.  Ret'd  "Bureau officers will take [[?]] of all [[?]] cases when the civil courts do not do justice.  In cases of debt violations of contracts, they will be settled if possible by the Bureau.  If unsuccessful, report will be made for further action."   |  Asheville, N. C. Aug. 26" 67  Transmits two cases of wrongs perpetrated against freedmen, and requests instructions governing his action in such cases.  Complaint of Jesse Jones that Thomas W. Patton refuses to pay.

Sept. 16"  60 [[asterisk stamp]]  |  Edwards W^m E. Filed  |  Greensboro N. C. Sept. 13" 67  Complains of the neglect and inattention Actg Asst. Surg. Swain

Sept 24"  61.  |  Evans C. C. et al.  Sept 24' 67  Ref'd to Col. Jno. R. Edie for report.  |  Germans Hill. NC Sept.  Request the Bureau to erect a school house for freedmen, that John S. Dula will give an acre of land. cost of building $500. 

Sept. 25  62  |  Edie Jno R. Col. Sub. Ass't Com'r.  Sept. 25" 67. Forw'd for information. has claim [[?]] rec'd.  |  Salisbury, N. C. Sept. 24" 67  Requests information concerning claims of Pvte Jno. Ellis Co. F. [[37?]] " U. S. C. T. forwarded by T. F. Lee.

Sept. 26"  63  |  Eastmond Oscar Agent BRF &c Sept. 26" 67.  Forw'd to Hd. Qrs. 2" Mil Dist Approved.  |
Asheville, N. C. Sept. 20" 67  Recommends that enclosed application of Mitchell Hayden for redress on persons who assaulted him be granted, and the guilty parties be tried by Mil. Court.