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February 13 | ^18 [[Flewellen?]] C.R.  E. B. p. 120 | Salisbury N. C. Feb. 12 1867 applies  for transportation of sixty two freed men from Salisbury N. C. to Barbour Co. Ala.

February 13" | ^19 Fisk A.C. E.B. p.121 | Salisbury N. C. Feb 12 1867 applies for transportation for seventy seven freed people from Salisbury N. C. to [[Greenville Miss.?]]

February 13" ^[[asterisk stamp]] | ^20 Foster H. H. Bt. Maj. | Magnolia N. C. Feb 5" 1867. Reports action taken by him on communication from W. H. Bagley Priv .Sec. of Ed. Dept. of N. C. containing list of freedman who are destitute in Duplin County.

February 23" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  | ^21 Foote Jno. M. Lieut | Halifax N. C. Feb. 21st 1867. Requests an crew to visit Jackson N. C. on business connected with the Bureau. 

March 4th ^[[asterisk stamp]]  | ^22 Foster H. H. Bt. Maj. | Magnolia N. C. Feb. 26" 1867. Transmits list of destitute Whites and Blacks of his Sub. Dist. who need assistance.

March 6th ^[[asterisk stamp]] | ^23 Foster H. H. Bt. Maj. | Winston N. C. March 4" 1867.  Reports in compliance with S. O. No. 23 O. S. from Head Qrs. Asst. Comr and gives reason for delay in reporting.

March 15" | ^24 Forbes E. M. E. B. p. 154. | New Bern N. C. Feb 20" 1867. Writes in regard to the great need of another freedmens School in New Bern N. C.

March 22^d | ^25 Fiske F.A. Supt.of Ed. E. B. p. 163 | Raleigh N. C. March 20" 1867. Transmits applications of Robt. Harris teacher at Fayetteville N. C. Capt. C. Wolff Asst. Supt and Louisa Rogers teacher at New Bern for the Bureau to pay rent of schools.

March 22^d | ^26 Foster C. H. E. B.p. 164 | Murfreesboro N. C. March 18" 1867. Requests 
| prompt action and attention to the aggravated case certified to in accompanying

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     |     |   affidavit of [Mr?] Joyner a consistent Union Man during the War. Says the whole thing of bonding out negroes without the consent of their parents is a great and infamous wrong and should be stopped.

March 28" | ^27 Foster C. H. E. B. p. 172 | Murfreesboro N. C. March 20" 1867. Encloses affidavit of Wiley Warren (white) in reference to illegal apprenticing of W^m Vaughn (colored) to Charles Vann of Hartford County N. C. without the consent of his mother.

March 29" | ^28 Fiske F. A. Supt. of Ed. E. B. p. 172 | Raleigh N. C. March 26" 1867. Forwards Petitions of the following named teachers of freedmens schools to have the Bureau pay the rent of their school buildings at the rate fixed opposite their respective names. Jas.  E. O. Harra $10.00 per month. S.C. Hamilton $5.00 do. Henry M. Tupper $15.00 do. Judith J. Mendenhall $5.00 do.

March 30" ^[[asterisk stamp]]  | ^29 Forbes E.  M. Pastor Christ Ch. E.B. p. 176. | New Bern N.  C. Mar. 27" 1867. Petition the Asst. Com. of N.  C. for authority to take possession of 3 or 4 of the Govt. buildings in New Bern in the possession of the Chief Qr. Mr Bureau for a freedmans school at the expense of the Bureau.

April 1st ^[[asterisk stamp]] | ^30 Fiske F. A. Supt. of Ed. | Raleigh N. C. Mar. 28" 67 Requests transportation of Gen. Dixon Asst. Supt. of Ed. from Danville Va. to Raleigh. 

April 5th | ^31 Frazer H. R. Agent E. B. p. 182. E. B. 223 | Randolph Co. N. C. Mch. 28" 1867. Applies for transportation of two adults and one child under twelve years from High Point to Plymouth N. C.

April 8" | ^32 Fuller A. H. Lieut. E. B. p. 186. | Washington N. C. April 2" 1867. Requests authority to hire a horse, to enable him to visit the Pitt and Hyde Co. Courts agreeable to orders.