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1867. May 31' 46. | Foote John M Lt & Asst. Supt. EB p 245. | Halifax N. C. May 28' 67  Requests that an order be issued directing him to go to Jackson, N. C. to attend the County Court which meets on the 3' of June 1867. 

June 5" 47. | Fiske F. A. Supt of Education June 6' 67 - Returned - granted. | Raleigh. June 1" 1867 Requests authority to erect at the expense of the Bureau on land belonging to Admiral Wilkes. at High Shoals. N. C. a school house for freedmen - estimated expense not to exceed $900^00.  

June 5^th 48. | Froneberger R. EB p 250. Rec'd back June 11. '67 E.m. 254 | Shelby. N. C. April 1867 States that an application for transportation in favor of Harriet Williams & 6 children (colored) from Shelby, N. C. to Memphis, Tenn was forwarded in February, and has not been heard of since.

June 6" 49. | Faust Geo. K. June 7-67-Referred to Capt. Chas. Wolff, for action. | Graham, N. C. June 5' 1867 States that he has a colored woman on his place who is perfectly helpless, with Rheumatism. Asks the aid of the Bureau for her.

June 6" 50 | Foote John M. Lt and Asst. Supt. June 7-67- Forw'd to Gen. Howard, Comr. Rec'd back June 20" 67. Ref'd to Lt. Jno M. Foote Em. 262 | Halifax, N. C. June 4" 1867. Requests information whether Sergt. Wm. M^cDowell Co "E" and Private Jas. H. Dolberry Co B. of the 37^th U.S.C.T. were credited to the quota of any State - if so, to what one. 

June 7" 51. | Foote Jno. M. 2^nd Lt. V. R. C. & Asst Supt. June 7 67 Ret'd Granted  | Sub. Dist of Weldon Makes requisition for one desk for the office under his charge. 

June 8" 52. [[asterisk stamp]] | Fiske F. A. Supt. of Education Filed | Raleigh N. C. June 7/67 Requests transportation to Morehead City, N. C. on official business. 

June 12'  53 | Fiske F. A. Supt. of Education   June 12' 67 Ret'd. "approved" | Raleigh N. C. June 10" 67 Requests permission to erect a school building at Edenton, N. C. not to cost over $300. 

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June 17" 54. | Faust Geo. K. June 17 '67 Referred to Capt. Wolff for action. | Graham N. C. June 12' 67 Asks that something may be done for the help of a negro woman who lives on his premises. 

June 17" 55 | Foote Jno. M. Lt. & Asst Sub Asst Com. June 17' 67 Ret'd To be forwarded to Post Commander. | Halifax June 11" 67. Forwards petition of Joseph Cavalier for position of register for Northampton Co. 

June 18" 56 [[asterisk stamp]] | Fiske F. A. Supt of Education Filed. | Raleigh N. C. June 17" 67 Requests transportation to Fayetteville N. C. via Wilmington, and return. 

June 20" 57 [[asterisk stamp]] | Foster H.H. Bv't Maj. A. S. A. C. Filed | Kinston, N. C. June 19" 67 Gives reasons for neglect of educational interests in his Sub. Dist

June 24" 57 1/2 [[asterisk stamp]] | Frazier W. H. Agent &c. Filed | Randolph Co. N. C. June 15' 67 Wishes to know if he was relieved from duty through any incapacity. 

July 2" 58 | Foote Jno. M. 2^nd Lt A. S. A. C. July 2 '67 Forw'd Lt Col. Page, Med [[Dr or Dir?]]. 2^nd Mil. Dist Em 271 | Halifax N. C. June 27' 67 Transmits vouchers for medical services rendered by Dr. Thos. Summerville amounting to $12.^65/100 

July 11" [[asterisk stamp]] 59  | Foote Jno. M. 2" Lt Sub. ass't. Com'r Filed. | Plymouth N. C. July 8" 67 Requests that disposition be made of the stores in his hands appropriated from Special Relief Fund. 

July 11" 60 [[asterisk stamp]] | Foote Jno. M. 2" Lt. Sub. Ass't Com'r Filed. See Letter July 10' 67. | Plymouth N. C. July 8- 67. Makes requisition for authority to purchase a desk for the use of his office. 

July 12" 61 | Foote Jno. M. 2" Lt. Sub. asst Comr. July 12' 67. Retd. It forms part of Lt. Dodge Dist of which he has been informed. | Plymouth, N. C. July 10" 67 Requests to be informed in which Sub Dist. Perquimans County has been located. 

July 13" 62 [[asterisk stamp]] | Fiske F. A. Supt. of Education. Filed  | Raleigh N. C. July 12" 67. Suggests that an appropriation be made to repair a building at Morganton purchased by 
freedpeople for school purposes.

Transcription Notes:
This contains two pages with three columns per page. Columns separated by pipe symbols.