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November 12"  | 1 Gibbs Thomas Agent B.R.F. and A.L. E.B. p. 39.  |  Hendersonville N.C. Oct. 29" 1866. Reports an outrage committed by the militia of Henderson County after organizing on the 27th of Oct. by the election of rebels to office. 

November 10"* | 2 Gayland Nancy E. B. P. 47. | Roanoke Island Nov. 15" 1866. Applies to have Sixteen acres of land restored to her, on Roanoke Island.

December 5" | 3 Grant, James E. B. p. 63. | Davenport Iowa Dec 2nd 1866 Makes application for transportation of Harry Whittaker, his wife and eight children dependent freed people from Enfield N.C. to Davenport Iowa.

December 6" | 4 Gale A. E. B. P. 62. | Washington D.C. Dec. 3rd 1866. Forwards his bill against John C. Schotel, for $49.90 for collection.

December 27" | 5 Gunn John E.B. P. 81. | Wentworth N.C. Dec. 12" 1866. States that he wishes to move his family to Miss. and wishes to know if the Bureau can aid him in doing so.

January 11" | 6 Goslin Alexander Bot. Maj. E.B. p. 89 | Raleigh N.C. Jan. 9" 1867. Forwards charges and specifications against Capt. Hugo Hildebranch V. R. C. 

January 26" | 7 Griffin Wesley. (Colie)[[guess]] | E.B. p. 105. | Hilliardston N.C. Jan 17" 1867. Wishes to have his daughter restore to him. Encloses a note from G. W. Frecie showing that she is bound to him.

February 11"* | 8 Willem H. C. Br. Brig. Gen. | Vicksburg Miss. Jan. 26" 1867. Requests to be furnished with a roster of the officers and agents in the Bureau for the State of N.C.

February 11" | 9 Gildersleeve F. V. B. A. A. Surg. E. B, p. 117. | Charlotte N.C. Feb. 7" 1867. Requests that an order for transportation be furnished him to New York City this being a part of his contract with the Chief Medical Officer of the Bureau 

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February 16" | 10 Glavis Geo. O. E. B. p. 123. | New York. Feb. 6" 1867. Judgement for $400. being had against him at Goldsboro N.C. while on duty there as chaplin. Hopes to be relieved from said judgement.

February 17* | 11 Goodwin Yimen[[guess]] and others | Johnsten Co. N.C. Feb. 12" 1867. Petition for military protection from lawlessness and marauders.

March 8 " | 12 Greene John Y. E. B. p. 147 | Columbia S.C. Feb. 12th 1867 Asks the assistance of the Bureau in restoring Isaac a freed boy to his father Robert Williams (colored) Columbia S.C.

March 16 " | 13 Gibson Alfred. E. B. P. 155. | Lenoir Caldwell Co. N.C. Applies for transportation for himself and Several others to the North or South West. 

March 25 T | 14 Goff W. Ev.[[guess]] Col. 27th W. S. C. T. Bot. Brig. Gen. E. B. p. 168. | Raleigh N.C. March 23rd 1867. States that he is about to be mustered out of Service in the 1st of April and being desirous of continuing in the Service, wishes to be retained and assigned to duty in the Bureau R. F. and A. L.

May 12t 15 | Gra[[?]] Alfred (colored) May 6 '67. Referred to Col. Edie,[[guess]] | High Point, NC Apr 12" 67 Complains that his wife is retained by a certain N.C. Gilmore and asks what measures are to be taken to get her back. (Referred from Dist. Adjnt.)

May 7" 16. Gilliam H. A.  E. B. p 227. | Edison N.C. May 6" 1867. States that many of the children of the freedmen at that place were bound out by the former Bureau Officer stationed there without the knowledge of the parents.

May 18" 17. | Georgia State of C. C. Sibby Col 16' Inf. Asst. Comr. May 18" 67 - Referred to Col. Moore, Supt &c Record back June 2 '67.  E. B. p 247. | Macon, Ga. May 10 1867. Refers the request of W. R. Sanders for information as to the whereabouts of Sarah Sanders, aged about 35 years. She belonged to a family named Gibbs living near Beaufort, N.C.