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Jany. 7 152 | Fuller. A. W. Lieut Asst. Sub. Asst. Com Jany. 8. Ret^d. to Col. J. V. Bomford Comdg. Post, of Raleigh, with circulars referring to the case of. Ambrose vs. Russell. | Lexington NC. Dec 30/67 Submits case of Biddy Crumps vs Sather Walser in which Plaintiffs 2 Sons were bound to Defendant by W. F. Henderson. Bureau Agent. and which the Plaintiff is now trying to get their indentures annulled.  Referred by Col. Bomford. Comdg. Post. Raleigh

Jany. 9 153. | Fiske. Rev. F. A. Supt. of. Education Jany. 9. Retd to. Rev. F. A. Fiske with authority to make the necessary. expenditure |  Raleigh. NC. Jany. 6/68 Requests that he be authorized to expend the amount of money necessary to fit up Six Stoves now in two schools houses in this City

Jany. 9 154 | Fiske. Rev. F. A Supt. of. Education EBp 360. Jany. 15. Rec^d. back and, returned to. Rev. F. A. Fiske attention invited to. Endorsement from. Bureau. Hd. Qrs. | Raleigh. NC. Jany. 1- 1868 Requests the Asst. Comr influence in securing an appropriation of $20 or $25.000 be expended for School. purposes in North. Carolina The amount heretofore appropriated for this purpose of $25.000 for the School. Year. 1866-67 has nearly all been expended and aid is urgently demanded.

Jany. 10 155 [[asterisk stamp]] | Fiske Rev. F. A. Supt. Education Jany. 10^th Ref^d to Lt. Col. T. P. Johnston Chf. Disby. Officer. Filed | Raleigh NC. Dec 27. 1867 Forwards recommended the request of Rev. W. L. Miller who wishes bedsteads, bedsacks. blankets &c for 35 Students. who are very needy

Jany. 10 156 | Fiske. Rev. F. A Supt. of Education Jany. 10. Ret^d. authority granted | Raleigh. NC. Jany 6/68 Requests authority to purchase Six School benches at a cost of $3^85 each 


Transcription Notes:
I'm not sure that I've seen the instruction for formatting using the '^'. Can someone enlighten me?