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Jany 10 157 | Fiske. Rev. F. A Supt. of Education January 10/68. Ret^d to. F. A Fiske with authority to expend $250^00 | Raleigh. Dec. 27 1867 Forwards request of Francis De. Witt who petitions the Bureau to expend $437.^00 for the erection of a school house at. White Crop Dist. Referred by Rev F. A. Fiske who recommends that $250^00 be expended for the erection of the building mentioned

January, 13 158 [[asterisk stamp]] |  Fuller. Capt. A. W.  A. S. A Com^r Filed  |  Lexington, N. C. Jan. 8/68 Forwards recognition for Stationery and fuel for the approval of Asst. Com^r.   

Jany. 13 159  |  Foote Lt. Jno M. Sub. Asst. Com^r Jany. 13. Ref^d to Col. Johnston for information as to whether the buildings have to turned over to him. EBp 370  |  Plymouth Jany 7. 68 Forwards letter of Francis S Boyle who requests that his property be restored to his charge, now occupied by the Govt

Jany. 16 160. | Fiske Rev. F. A. Supt. of Education Jany. 16. Retd. with authority to expend $100.^00/100 in repairs on School  |  Raleigh NC. Jany, 15/68 Forwarded request and recommeds of W^m M. Dorland who wishes the Bureau to aid the Freedmen of Salisbury in repairing their School house to the amt. of $100  

Jany. 16 161 | Fiske Rev. F. A Supt. of Education Jany. 16 Retd with authority to expend not exceeding $100^00 on repairs on School  Letter F. Transferred to Letter B  |  Raleigh NC. Jan 15/68 Forwards letter from Messrs Miller & William asking aid to repair School House at Mocksville Davie Co NC. Said School House & Lot as belonging to the Freedmen and a Northern society and recommeds that the petition be granted and authority given to expend $100^00

Transcription Notes:
Jno. (John) M. Foote